Hitting my IIFYM goals

10 days ago I started a thread expressing concern about the amount of fat in the homemade muesli I was having for what I thought was a healthy breakfast. The responses led me to completely re-evaluate how I was trying to track my diet.
As a result, I'm now trying to focus on a IIFYM approach.
I have my goals and am trying to plan my meal intake for tomorrow.
I am however REALLY struggling to get my protein intake anywhere near the level it should be. I've taken out a lot of carb heavy ingredients, I've increased the amount of chicken, I've added in two protein shakes, and still I'm coming up 23g short.

I've tried going absolutely overboard with the protein for tomorrow - and its something I'll really struggle to maintain day in day out - but if I cannot even hit it for 1 day.....
It just seems totally unachievable (to me at the moment) to get within 5g (as advised on the IIFYM) of all of the macro nutrients - day in day out


Some details:
Sex: Male
Age: 41
Height 187 cm
Weight: 75kg (My weight is pretty much exactly where I want it to be - I do want to reduce body fat, which is currently around 25% I believe)
IIFYM Goals: 190g carbs, 53g fat, 166g protein and 41g Fibre
My (current) meal plan for tomorrow comes in at: 207g carbs, 49g Fat, 143g Protein and 33g fibre

A full breakdown of my meal plan for tomorrow is:
Numbers in brackets (carbs/fat/Protein/Fibre):
Weights are estimates - based on the last entry (hence some pretty weird numbers):
Headings show the totals for the items that follow:

Early morning Protein Shake (12/3/27/0)
25g Whey Protein Powder (2/2/20/0)
200ml Skimmed Milk (10/1/7/0)

Breakfast (50/29/15/15)
120g Banana (25/0/1/5)
75g Homemade muesli (19/29/9/10)
125ml Skimmed Milk (6/0/5/0)

Lunch (Stir Fry) (58/5/53/11)
133g Carrots (13/0/1/4)
28g Red Kale (3/0/1/1)
36g Purple Sprouting Broccoli (1/0/1/1)
100g Leek (14/0/2/2)
250g Chicken Breast (2/5/48/3)
60g Pre packaged stir fry sauce (25/0/0/0)

Dinner (60/9/21/7)
Chilli Con Carne Sauce (23/8/18/6) (Homemade and frozen - so difficult in short term to tweak recipe)
50g Brown Rice (37/1/3/1)

Post Exercise Protein Shake (12/3/27/0)
25g Whey Protein Powder (2/2/20/0)
200ml Skimmed Milk (10/1/7/0)

Snacks (15/0/0/1)
100g Grapes (15/0/0/1)

Drinks - I tend to drink hot blackcurrant squash mostly - I'm not counting this though because its calorific content is negligible (2 calories per drink) and the macro nutrients all round down to zero.


  • IIFYM Goals: 190g carbs, 53g fat, 166g protein and 41g Fibre

    I've just gone back to IIFYM to double check my numbers and its slightly different (in MFP you must, it appears, put the goals in 5% increments - so I rounded up the Protein and Fat) - so I'm not as far away as I feared - however, I'm still coming up short, despite trying to start with "the perfect day" - it still appears difficult to hit the goals regularly.

    The exact numbers I'm seeing in IIFYM are:
    Carbs: 209.4g
    Protein: 154.7g
    Fat: 49.5g
    Fiber 33-41
    Calories: 1902