Mom of 3 boys and teacher.

dolliesnlollies Posts: 9 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I just had my 3rd son on August 18th and immediately started to try and get my body back. Feel like I've had no control over what my body is doing and I just sort of let it go during the pregnancy and gained waaay too much. I have about 8 lbs to go to get to pre-pregnancy weight but I was a good 25-30 lbs overweight to begin with so I will have that much more to go after the 8 lbs. Whew!

I'm breastfeeding so it makes some things difficult.. I exercise with my arms or hands on my boobs half the time just to keep the jumping from being too painful. HA! Plus this little guy is very demanding and doesn't sleep very long stretches.. interrupting the 40 min aerobics I try to do daily. Still.. it keeps me from trying diet pills or other things that I probably shouldn't. Usually when I become obsessed with losing weight, I get too extreme and will hardly eat anything but that's not an option when I'm feeding another person!

But I'm glad I have a bit of time to be obsessed. I go back to work in about 3 weeks and I'm scared that I won't have the time to be dedicated to losing weight like I am now. It's all I think about outside the kids, the house, cooking dinner, teaching my virtual class, making lesson plans for the sub... okay, maybe I think about too much! Still, I am determined to get in the best shape of my life to keep up with these guys and to stop avoiding the camera. Can't wait to feel sexy again!


  • ValerieCx
    ValerieCx Posts: 13 Member
    I completely understand the holding the boobies down! I do that too but I'm not breastfeeding. LOL It's the thing I hate most about exercising. Congrats on the new baby and good luck.
  • Congratulations on the baby :) It must be incredibly hard to find time to do everything. I'm in college studying to be a high school English teacher, and I'm just beginning to understand how much work teaching is! Hopefully, by the time I start actually teaching, I'll have reached my goal weight/fitness level, and so I'll only have to worry about maintaining.

    Kudos to you for being able to lose weight even with such a busy schedule :)
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