Exersize first thing in the morning

The only spin class my gym offers on Fridays is at 545 am- so I have been waking up, getting dressed and going. No food before. I find that my Watts tend to be lower with the 545 class (monday, and wed I go after work)- however my heart rate rises faster- but per my bike, my calories spent is also lower (today was around 300 for a 45 min class- about 40 actually spinning, 5 stretching)

However I have read that working out as soon as you wake up is supposed to be best for weight loss, as you body burns the fat due to not eating in 8-12 hours. I do have an option to go to class at 545 Monday and Wed- just not sure its worth it. Any tips?


  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Your body is going to burn fat as long as you're eating in a deficit. Working out will be purely for fitness and might help ensure you maintain a deficit if you're not logging quite accurately (or if you like to eat a bit more). So, I would go at a time optimal for your performance. Do you do better first thing or later after you've eaten?
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    I like to get mine done first thing....1) I have no other time with the Mrs. and her 2nd shift schedule and having 2 kids and 2) I feel so much more energized when I have gotten my workout in before work....plus I swear on my days I don't work out before work....I find my cravings to eat a lot higher.

    Plus, when you do it early, even if you have time, you have gotten it out of the way and then when life throws a curve later in the day, you don't have to sacrifice your workout cause of it!