HELP!! Motivational Ideas for my clients, NEEDED ASAP!!

Hi all!

I am training a couple co-workers at a gym that my CEO set up for the employees to use in one of the spare rooms. I want to help keep my ladies motivated. This is the only type of exercise they will be getting. Any suggested ways to keep them motivated? Have them make a list of thing they want, and they can buy those things when they hit certain goals? Any ideas would be awesome! Also, any mild workouts for middle to upper age woman would be good. I'm only 21 but these ladies are 40's and 50's and have been working at a desk with minimal exercise for 20+ years!

:smile: :smile: :smile:


  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    They're your "clients," and you're posting on an Internet forum asking how to train them?

    Did I slip and fall into a "professional photography" forum?
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Most of the women I work with are over 50.

    We have a gym at work, myself and our "baby girl", the only 30 year old in the office, are the only ones that use it most of the time.

    I have talked about this with the other women here. Everyone seems to like the idea of a Zumba class.

    I wish you worked here.
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    Using music is a good idea. Maybe use walking DVDs to get people started if they haven't done any kind of exercise in years. Usually people who are older respond well to information about how exercise has benefits wholly apart from the possibility of weight loss (or for vanity reasons): lower blood pressure and risk of diabetes, better cardiovascular endurance, improve flexibility and posture, so have articles or DVDs available that incorporate these ideas, or at least some kind of educational component. Gently introduce the idea that exercise will probably only work to lose weight if it is in conjunction with better eating habits but that it is super good for maintaining weight. Inspirational stories are really motivating; you could introduce them to MFP's many stories of people who have had success using exercise and healthy eating. You didn't mention the equipment you'll have in the gym, so hard to answer this question in that respect. Let us know how this works out...
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    No offense intended, but are you really qualified to train people since you're asking how to do so on an internet forum? Being a trainer takes experience, certifications, and eduction. You don't want your clients to become injured, for which you would be liable since it would be during training sessions.
  • stronghealthywoman
    stronghealthywoman Posts: 44 Member
    I would say Zumba is a great idea, people like that and its fun.

    Also you could start them with some light weights and just do simple exercises.

    You can incorporate Yoga, pilates, exercises that are for stretching since they probably spend lots of hours seating down.
    Look into videos for this or Youtube videos.

    Just be careful since people can easily get injured and you don't want to get into a liable situation.

    Good luck!