want to weep with frustration



  • djs2303
    djs2303 Posts: 93 Member
    You'll do it hun, and if you got curves, don't be jealous of others, your body is yours, lots of women want curves :) Just keep at it, don't obsess over it and you'll start to notice it better, also weigh once a week (same day, same time) every week you'll see better results :)
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Like most on here have said, don't panic. Breathe!! It's going to take a while to lose that weight, I'm down to losing the last 30 or so pounds and it's slowed considerably (not to mention I lapsed, so I'm back again) . One more thing.....this will likely be the hardest out of everything because it's shoved at all of us so much. You have to stop comparing yourself to other people. That is a must. There's always going to be someone thinner, someone prettier, someone with bigger muscles etc. You are you, I'm me....sure I'd love to have the curvy behind of Jennifer Lopez or Shakira or any number of women because I love that kind of curve, but I likely never will because my body doesn't curve out like that. So, do your best to ease up on yourself and stop it with the comparing. That's as damaging as calling yourself fat or ugly or stupid.

    Don't deprive yourself of every single thing you love to eat either, just don't stock up on the junk. Keep small amounts around and that's it. You'll see progress, the scale is deceiving as well. Use a measuring tape and your clothing :)

    Totally this.
    Why compare yourself to others? You are not them and you will never be them, because you are YOU and that is a wonderful thing.
    The best gift you can give yourself is to learn to love and accept yourself for who you are.