Need to lose 60 pounds :(

Well to start off I am 20 years old, Female and my height is 5'7,

First I started at the weight 242 lbs and I managed to drop down to 204 lbs during summer. The thing is school has started and I have been having trouble going back to my routine. I only exercise Saturday and Sunday will be 2 hours and for exercising I just hop on to my treadmill since I can't really go anywhere due to homework and work. I want to at least weigh 145 lbs before September of this year.
I absolutely do not drink coke or juice, I just drink water. For breakfast I normally just have milk, lunch is what I cooked the day before with yogurt and fruit. I as well cook with low salt and pretty much reduce the quantity of my condiments and try to make everything healthy. For dinner is usually what my mom makes and she as well tries to cook very healthy for me. I drink about 6-8 water bottles a day.
The thing is is there any other possible thing I could do to lose 60 pounds before September? Thank you!

Oh and as well I have a hard time saying no most of the time when something is offered to me even though I know it's bad for me anything you have to help me keep saying no?


  • Okeerlee
    Okeerlee Posts: 1 Member
    Ok this is my opinion...if you're keeping a daily track of everything and keeping your calories under the mark, while making sure that whatever you spend your calories on has some good nutrition to it (I use Shakeology for this but it is a bit too pricey, but it fits my otherwise nutritionally deficit lifestyle)...then whatever you weigh in September should be well with your soul. I mean day by day you will have it under control, you will be improving always, you should be able to find some peace there...maybe the perceived opinion of others will still be a bit burdensome but hey, you fixed the problem now the results will keep coming. My advice would be ...focus on the now, and what you're doing right, the leftover from the past will fade steadily, the new you is already here.
  • kaydyer94
    I am 19 and 194 right now but on sunday I weigh 198. And what i basically did was workout 1 time a day for 60 minutes at least. Then I purchased the nutribullet ($99) and read the book that came with it and did what there routine was and lost 4 pounds in a week. But all you have to do is make sure you eat breakfast ( even i dont do it enough). Breakfast should be the largest and healthiest meal of the day. Then you can put healthy snacks together that are under 50 cal. like carrots,cucumbers, and celery. or different fruits. Try your best to eat more veggies than fruit because fruits have sugar and sugar turns to fat. Make sure you do not miss a meal ( breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, extra snacking before bed) when you miss a meal through out the day your body goes into starvation mode and makes it harder to lose weight and burn cal.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    A healthy weight loss is .5–2 lb. per week, or less than 50 lb. by September.

    Read this:
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    September is six months away, so that would average out to 2.25 pounds a week to lose. That's an aggressive target for every week and you most likely won't be able to average 2 pounds per week towards the end. However, even if you don't manage to hit it by September, you can lose a big chunk of it by then. Don't focus so much on that particular target by that particular date -- if you lost 30 pounds by then, you wouldn't consider it a failure, would you? Concentrate on what you do this week and don't stress so much about your deadline.