Advice to new people

I have advice to all the new comers here...please feel free to ad to it if you have anything!

First thing first...get a full physical from your doctor. Include a weight check, body measurements, thyroid test, BP test, blood sugar test, EKG, stress test, and anything else your doc suggests. This way you know where you stand and have more incentive to change your life.

Second, if it's possible to get a real nutritionist and a good personal trainer, go right ahead. But I know that's not easy for a lot of people. So what you do is make sure you log each and every thing you put into your mouth here. Don't forget the sticks of gum, the tic tacs, the drinks, the multivitamins... If you have certain emotions while you are eating, log them as well. Log each and every bit of exercise you participate in. remember cleaning your house, walking, lifting you children, these are all exercises. You don't have to be on a machine to exercise. Now for a week track the way you normally behave. Then you will be aware of any patterns you have or areas you wish to improve. that reading the nutrition labels on the foods at the grocery store is VERY helpful. It's time consuming at first, but gets better in time. Find the foods that best match you personal nutritional needs. I need low carb, and low sodium. There are simply replacements for basic items that make a big difference. Like there are low sodium ritz and heinz products. So you can adjust slowly if you would like to diet changes. There are many websites that have healthy recipes you could try.

Exercise daily even if it's something simple. I prefer walking because I have medical issues that prevent me from doing some things.

There are many items you could purchase that will help you know where you stand like BP cuffs, blood sugar monitors, ankle weights, heart rate monitors, pedometers...So many i can't name them all. If you would like these things go find them. But they are not necessary for everyone. i personally have shape ups because I find them comfortable and a heart rate monitoring watch because I'm trying to bring my resting heart rate down a bit and want to know where it stands.

This site is extremely helpful. Make sure you explore it thoroughly to see what's best for you. Also the people here, I've found to be extremely helpful and supportive. They are very nice here. I've felt welcomed and cared about while being here.

Just remember, it took time for the weight to get on, it will take time to get it off. Do not starve yourself or exercise to the point of hurting yourself. It will be worse for you in the end.

Good luck and congrats on your first step!


  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    This is good advice. :happy:
    The only thing I would add, is after being here 5 weeks, I've noticed that there are LOTS of differing opinions on weightloss. Cheat/don't cheat. Eat your calories/don't eat your calories. Shakeology/HCG/Bernsteins/WeightWatchers/Jenny Craig. etc etc etc.

    EVERYONE has an opinion, but its important to NOT let strangers dictate your decisions or derail you from your goals.
    Follow what your doctor says and what feels right for you. Don't worry about what anyone else does or does not do.

    Just my thoughts.
  • VCStarr
    VCStarr Posts: 155
    That is sound advice! Thanks for adding it. You are correct. People must do what is best for their own health
  • twnzmom
    twnzmom Posts: 182 Member
    I agree with you it can all be so confusing. I do find this sie to very helpful as it helps to keep you accountable for what you do and what you eat. I made a promise to myself and to my cardiologist that I would make some lifestyle changes in the next 6 mos, so I am just beginning. I will weigh in this Wednesday, I am looking forward to each new day so far it has been great lots of support and encouragement. I love the food diary it helps me to plan my day so that I stay within my suggested amounts and it makes me want to exercise. You have done really well for 5 weeks. Keep up the good work, and hopefully I'll be there soon. Have a good day.
  • VCStarr
    VCStarr Posts: 155
    Thank you :)
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    These are very sound adivce....I would like to add as well...know what your triggers are, own it, accept it and make a committment to avoid them.

    For Instance my weakness is wine. I would add them into my calories but I constantly made excuses to have WINE! I listened to everyone on the site "Oh it's ok as long as you count the calories." I listened to my family "Oh you had a rough day You need a glass or two" But I had to accept that 1 glass for me turned into 2 and then more and more. I was defeating the purpose.

    After I owned it and accepted that fact...I made a committement to avoid it. A real committement. I set a goal to not drink for an entire month. Now I dont even crave any wine. I used to think if I go out to eat I HAD to have wine. I've lost 16 lbs so far!!!

    Also I've met some wonderful people on this site!!! Make an honest committment to login MFP everyday. It really works! :happy:
  • VCStarr
    VCStarr Posts: 155
    That's excellent! You've done a great job!