Dealing with that daily weight fluctuation and scale issues

Figured i'd start this one for folks who, like me, don't react well to the scale saying you put on weight despite coming in at or under your daily goal. Happened to me earlier this week. Partly i think the scale needed a new battery as it was acting up but I then realized that i was wearing a lot more clothing than any other time i use a scale. You never realize how much weight that adds to you. That and I'm terrible at retaining water and hadn't taken my pill so i took my 2 pills for the day and removed the extra clothing and behold instead of the 351 it said earlier in the day i was 343. Plus thanks to the water pill making me get up every 15 minutes i got a workout in too (i didn't count it though) lol. Just keep in mind that your weight will bounce around, especially if you have issues with salt like i do.