Customizable meals for different lifestyles

Hi all!

So my fiance and I live together and have very different fitness goals. We are both very active at the gym (one of our favorite things to do is lift together) but his main goal is to bulk and gain mass while my goal right now is to gain some lean muscle and drop fat. He's aiming for a much greater ratio of carbs than I am (60% versus 20%).

Unfortunately what has been happening recently is we end up eating completely different meals when we are at home together in the evening. Breakfast and lunch aren't such a big deal because we're never together for those anyway.

I want us to be able to cook and eat the same meals together. I feel like it'll save us money in the long run and lets face it, its no fun to cook and eat solo. Does anyone have ideas for meals that we could cook/eat together and customize to suit our nutrition goals?

I'm looking for something a little more creative than just substituting spaghetti squash for pasta.

Any ideas?


  • meglizbo
    meglizbo Posts: 42
    Stir fry? Can be vegetarian or not, can have lots of fiber or not, can be salty or not, can have lots of healthy fats like sesame oil or can be just the body of the stir fry with very little in it. You can have it over rice if you eat grains or eat it just as is! To add more carbs you just put things like carrots and non-green veggies in it and serve it with rice, and for less carbs you do lots of green veggies and less rice! Same goes for really big salads!
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    Plan your dinner in the morning or the night before based on what you WANT to cook/ eat. Then during the course of that day when you guys are eating on your own you can balance out the expected macros of your dinner.


    you get seconds on steak, he gets seconds on potatoes.
  • honeylissabee
    honeylissabee Posts: 217 Member
    At the most basic of things, you can do something like a dinner of grilled salmon, sauteed green beans, and roasted sweet potatoes. The difference is that you have fewer sweet potatoes, or just a double batch of green beans and no sweet potatoes. If you make a chili with rice, serve the rice on the side. He can have a full cup while you only have half. Or, you can skip the rice completely if needed. This won't require you to make an entirely different meal for you and your husband. It's just a matter of different portions of one item.
  • xplosion80
    xplosion80 Posts: 51 Member
    Change your boy friend..