Does anyone else feel really bloated after eating??

I have recent come back to MFP and here to stick with it this time. But since I started exercising again every time I eat or drink something (even water) I start to feel bloated and then just gets worse through out the day. Any suggestions of how to stop it and has any one else had something like this??


  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    hmmmm, can't say that i have this concern but perhaphs go for a little walk or do some crunches.
  • jaz141
    jaz141 Posts: 32
    Ugh, that's me too. I cannot hande vegetable fiber very well, but of course that's mainly what I try to eat because it's low cal. A couple things that help me include using digestive enzymes (one called Yes to Beans is helpful for high fiber meals), taking a probiotic daily, and using betaine HCL with meals that contain protein. I've also had to eliminate apples and pears because they are the worst. Chewing food completely to a pulp helps as well. When I rush through a meal I bloat worse. Hope this helps!
  • AwesomeGuy37
    AwesomeGuy37 Posts: 436 Member
    I get that, but I just attribute it to the radical change in diet all of a sudden.
  • jamchartwin
    jamchartwin Posts: 7 Member
    I'm already doing a 30 day ab challenge and doing 20 min runs at least 3 times a week. I will get longer just not quite fit enough yet. So dont know how much that will help but thanks :). I will defo try some probiotics, and slow down my eating. Thanks guys much appeciated
  • Dreamingallday
    A food journal helps too, if you track what you are eating, you can see how you feel 10,20,30 minutes after and record it. After about a week look back and see what you ate and how your body reacted. I found out I was eating way too fast, too much white bread and a sudden diet change with too many high sulphur veggies ( cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli)

    Moderation, hydration and digestive enzymes helped big time, and slowing the eating down with a lot of chewing.