When your not on it.

wimpywrx Posts: 103 Member
So apart from being on MFP what do you enjoy doing?
Here is a link to my weekend enjoyment. http://teamwimpyracing.wordpress.com/


  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Getting out of the house.
    Running (on pause atm though).
    Doing my hair (quite a bit...)
    Painting my nails.
    Singing, badly. Horribly off key.
  • wimpywrx
    wimpywrx Posts: 103 Member
    Getting out of the house.
    Running (on pause atm though).
    Doing my hair (quite a bit...)
    Painting my nails.
    Singing, badly. Horribly off key.

    Someone keeps busy lol
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Yeah... Someone lost a neighbor's umbrella in the rain today, too! LOL
    Hey, one life. Try to enjoy it. Trying to add "cooking" to that list, but I must first leave California for that haha.

    How about yourself? What do you do? :)
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    Chasing after my kids, school, tattoos, video games, working out, sleeping (rarely).
  • wimpywrx
    wimpywrx Posts: 103 Member
    With 2 kids a dog and a race car my time is taken up with lots of loud noise lol. I love to cook also.
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I spend time taking care of the kids, jogging, reading, learning to knit and watching General Hospital in my free time. Would love to say sleeping but can't seem to do that even if I have the opportunity!
  • wimpywrx
    wimpywrx Posts: 103 Member
    Sleeping would be good lol
  • lmckillo
    lmckillo Posts: 127 Member
    Running, rollerblading, biking, skiing, both downhill and skate skiing, hiking, reading, music
  • Reading
    Looking after my kids
    Find new recipes /ways to make mince interesting
    Corset shopping :) mostly window shopping
    Watching tv
    Chatting with ransoms on the Internet
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    What's a ransom?

    Lewd photos of plants and flowers.
    Reading about meditation but getting distracted.
    Plotting to clean my house but being foiled by naps.