good afternoon!

I have been on this sight a little over a week, I actually found it on my droid when I checked out apps to help me count calories. That was my main goal, keep tract of what I put in my body. I LOVE IT. I have 4 kids, my last two were twins. I do not consider myself to be overweight by any means, but I can tell you I used be be a VERY large girl... (275 on a 5'2" frame) I am currently at a comfortable weight, but I am looking to be better. I can be better. I fell of the wagon when the kids got out of school for the summer, to busy and to much fun to be had. Plus bon fires and drinking was nice. My goal is to just get myself back to the gym 5 days a week and fuel my body and so far its working. I expect to fail at least 80% of the time, which is normal. I dont' believe in starving yourself thin, that only leads to always wanting food and sometimes temptation causes binges. Plus I love myself too much to tourture myself. Glad to be here, any questions just ask!


  • brockly25
    welcome :) happy to have you on this site :) if you need someone to talk to... i can do that .... this is a lovely site that pushes you to where you want to be :)
  • brockly25
    i hit the button one to meny times :)