Couch potato to 5k???



  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    I'm starting on Monday. I'm not in love with running but I want to be.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    I'm on Week 5 day 2 (tomorrow) and use the Zen Labs C25k Free program (MFP apps page) as it posts here.
    I can also use my own playlist/tunes and RunKeeper with it.
    I am enjoying it so far & consider myself a total couch potato, one with arthritis in both knees as well.
    Take it slow, don't be afraid to repeat a week if you need to and don't forget to breathe (it's hard to catch breath, so just go even slower). Don't worry about speed.
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    I've heard a lot of success stories that started with couch to 5k. I am here to say that it didn't work out very well for me so I took a little different route. The key is to set your goal and reach it whatever it takes.

    I had problems running at first and ended up doing a lot of cycling instead. It really helped me improve my fitness and become a runner.
  • Flacachica
    Flacachica Posts: 328 Member
    I am currently doing it and really like it. Take it at your own pace and you'll do just fine! There are a ton of free apps out there and I find them very helpful.

    I too, like others on this thread, have had to repeat some weeks. But I am on week 6 now and proud to say I can run! I was winded after 90 seconds of runningin the beginning, but now I can do up to 20 mins at a time! Again ... I go slow, but hey I'm just trying for endurance first, then I'll work on my speed later.

    Gotta be ready if there is a zombie apocalypse!! LOL

    Good luck!
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    I too am a 2 time C25K graduate. The most recent was after DS was born 6 years ago. I've since run several half marathons and did a 12K last weekend.

    It has become a thing I look forward to (sometimes) and helps manage stress and my sanity, let alone physical well being. :)

    Keep at it!
  • Hearndt
    Hearndt Posts: 40 Member
    I am on Week 6 Day 3 and I have LOVED the journey. I have fallen in love with the runners high and have already signed up for 2 5Ks (first one in 11 days). I use RunDouble (on android) and I really like it, there is a timed option and a distance option, this is convenient for running on my lunch break but on weekends I pick up the distance option since I don't have a time frame. I have also found that most weeks 3 days isn't enough and I'm itching to go out a 4th day so I end up doing the last day of the week twice (extra practice I call it). I do want to say that I have never been unable to complete a planned run. By that I mean that even though I look at the next run and think, "there is NO WAY IN HELL I'm going to be able to run xx minutes" I lace up and I do it. Runs I thought impossible were actually VERY possible, not always easy but possible. So my advice is to just do the next run. Don't repeat weeks, move on to the next week and if during the run you really NEED to walk then walk and repeat that day until you don't NEED to deviate from the plan. Today I felt like I needed to walk and then I asked myself why I thought I needed to walk. Was I out of breath? No. Did something hurt? No. Were my legs too heavy to take another step? No. I realized after these questions (and a few others) that it was 100% mental and I didn't stop, I simply focused on something else. The program will help you with the physical but the mental is all on you. Good luck!
  • benjaminlight
    benjaminlight Posts: 78 Member
    Thought I'd update this with this weeks awesome.

    Not only does it work - it works REALLY well.

    I did the C25K trainer, then went straight into the C210K trainer. I didn't struggle too much on the runs, though had an injury in week 12 that set me back a couple weeks, but I skipped a week when I got back into it and was able to for the most part stay on track.

    I had an 8k race this past Sunday, and not only did I finish it - without walking at all - I also ran the 8k in 49:23, a 10:02 average mile.

    When I started this process a little over 13 weeks ago, I couldn't run for 30 seconds straight without gasping for breath like I was going to die. I put the 8K behind me, now I'm looking at 10K's and Half Marathons... this program turned me into a runner. If you want to learn to run, and get yourself going incrementally - Couch to 5K or Couch to 10K is the way to go.

    FYI - I use the Zen Labs 10K trainer, and absolutely LOVE it.
  • MizMimi111
    MizMimi111 Posts: 244 Member
    Love all the replies. I'm really flirting with the idea of trying this.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Love all the replies. I'm really flirting with the idea of trying this.
    Don't just flirt! All you need is a pair of good running shoes, decent socks, maybe a smartphone or ipod, and that's it! The link to our C25K group was posted earlier in this thread.