Feeling down, because the scale isn't really.

Last month I lost 8lbs, this month I've lost, nothing. I know it's my own fault for getting lazy in my tracking, and letting my husband talking me into eating fast food and chocolate, and for not getting up early everyday to jog like I had been. I know that weight loss isn't easy, because if it were I'd already be thin, but I'm starting to feel like no matter what I do I'm just going to be staring at a scale that doesn't move afraid to eat anything other than chicken and steamed veggies lest I accidentally undo the minuscule progress I had.


  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    Take measurements and take a photo of yourself. Then next month do the same.
    This way regardless of what the scales say, you will physically see a difference.
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    Everyone gets lazy once in a while, it is called being human. But STAYING lazy is a problem and it sounds like you've got it. I know, I've "been there and done that" myself and the only thing I could do is get over it. Force yourself! You absolutely CAN do it if you want to.
  • Amanda_Tate28
    Amanda_Tate28 Posts: 168 Member
    Every time I don't loose anything my nutritionist reminds me that even maintaining is better than gaining.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,679 Member
    Here's something for you to read:


    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I'll ditto all the previous comments and add that we can't expect results if we don't do the work. I have had times when I wondered why I wasn't losing inches or pounds and I had to be honest with myself and admit that I was being a lazy *kitten* and enjoying too many cheat meals. I have to be diligent if I want to lose weight and/or inches. Just get back to logging carefully and keep in mind that you can have the treats and fast food - you just need to fit it into your calories.

    Just make sure you're checking your measurements every 2-4 weeks. Losing inches but no pounds is still success.
  • Warrior_Butterfly
    I'm not picking up what you're laying down if I'm honest. You were active for a month and lost 8lbs which is awesome but then grumble that this month you haven't lost anything but know it's your fault as you have not been getting up to exercise, have eaten fast food and chocolate.
    You need to remember that your present situation is not your final destination. You need to get off that couch and stop eating junk. Nobody can want it for you. You have to want it for yourself.