Gain at Weigh In

So, I have weigh in tomorrow and I'm pretty sure I'm going to post a gain. I've only lost 5.5 lbs so far and I'm really afraid of wiping out that progress. I'm afraid ill be devastated and totally lose motivation. Has this happened to you? How did you deal with it? Need tips and support please!!!! :(


  • Adusenka
    Adusenka Posts: 108 Member
    happened to me recently.. I was so scared to weigh myself :D It was a loss, but the fear of gaining made me work harder, so thats what i do.. I just push myself further not to gain..
  • josh6603
    My weight fluctuates continually. I jump on the scale a few times a day. I understand that what i eat and drink can change my weight so i do it to simply get an idea of where my weight hovers. For instance, as of this week my weight never gets above 200 lbs even with a large meal or water intake. I may "gain" 3 lbs or so throughout the day but i can see my ceiling weight gets lower each week. So don't get discouraged. What ever day is your official weigh in day try to establish a routine the day before. I try to have a set diet and water amount on Tuesdays because my official weigh in day for the week is Wednesday. It helps give me a better idea of what my weight really is.
  • batty5
    batty5 Posts: 193
    Try not to worry or get demotivated. I sympathise as it happens to me all the time despite always being low on calories. I seem to lose one week, gain the next then lose more the next, seems silly but there it is. Overall I am making progress but it is slow. Where I really see progress is in inches lost but that has taken time too. Good luck, remember you are NOT alone you will succeed.
  • jalovec
    It does happen sometimes. And it is really hard. But you know what? It's just one week in your life, and you have the power to make the next one go better. How did I deal with it? I complained a lot, but I stuck with the program, and the next week I lost! You'll do it, just stick with the big picture. :smile:
  • weightgoal130
    I know the feeling :) my weigh in is tomorrow also. Hang in there, it may not be as bad as you think. Just don't give up:smile:
  • hipsgalore
    hipsgalore Posts: 204 Member
    Even if there is a gain, it is your choice to log or not log it. When I gain, I don't log it, I only log my losses. This seems to help me as I always eventually overcome my gains, turning them into losses. It is a slow process for some of us. Some people on here are losing it pretty fast, others of us (like me) are losing it slowly. Do what feels best to you in terms of logging and like some have said, it is probably a good idea to weigh-in once per week, as MFP suggests.
    CHANGES4ME Posts: 132 Member
    happens 2 me every day. i weigh every am. & the weekends ( w/o much excersise ) i seem 2 go back up on mon's weigh in.. but thats ok, i work hard on the wk daz.... dont b discoraged At ALL... u keep walkin, swimmin, joggin, ride a bike, etc.... eat what what u sopose 2 ( cheat a little, if u do; have a longer w/o ) & tyme lookin in the mirror will not lye 2 u.....:happy: