Tell me what I am doing wrong!



  • amieosia
    amieosia Posts: 20
    Thanks everyone I will take all of your advice. Something has to change before I get so frustrated I just give up!
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Read this link and all of the links in it. (it will take you awhile, but it is worth it)
  • amieosia
    amieosia Posts: 20
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    But log or not, with that much exercise shouldn't I be seeing results? Is it really just as basic as eating less sodium and more protein?

    You can't outrun a bad diet. You get fit in the gym, but you lose weight in the kitchen. (Not my own aphorisms, I hasten to add; they circulate online.)

    Case in point: in 2012, I bicycled over 2,400 miles - about 50 miles a week on average. At my cycling speed, that was about 3.5-4 hours a week. I also walked a lot. And I gained 10 pounds.

    Exercise is great for improving your strength, stamina, and mood. However, it also makes you hungry - part of our biological feedback system. Think about it - a typical person consumes between half a million and a million calories a year, yet most people put on weight very slowly--a pound or two a year. That means that our bodies self-regulate so that we eat just a tiny bit over what we need - far less than 1% of the total - unless our hunger and satiety signals are out of whack, as with those of us who gain weight quickly.
  • amieosia
    amieosia Posts: 20
    Feeling frustrated because I am the worlds pickiest eater and have to find things to substitute my favorites. I just honestly thought that as long as I was under on calories it didn't matter.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    For weight loss, it really is as simple as having a calorie deficit. Don't let all the macro talk throw you off. If you're not losing weight, then there is a problem with the deficit.