Net Calories? Do I need to eat more when I workout?

Ok so what is a good net calorie number? I am little confused so I have been eating between 1200-1350 a day but am very active sometimes and workout. I am a massage therapist and workout on top of that for about an hour or so. My average workout burn is 650 and can be up to 1,000 depending how busy I get at work. My net calories average between 300-800 calories.. is that too low? I thought the whole point of weight loss is to create a deficient. Should my goal be to have net calories of 1200? But then I feel as though I would be over eating. Even if I eat 1500 a day and burn 1,000 that still leaves me with 500 net calories.... is that bad? I am open to any ideas to make sure I am going about this whole weight loss thing healthy for the LONG run. Thanks!
