Diabetes and sedentary job - struggling to lose weight!

If I could lose just 15 lbs I know it would make a big difference in my A1C. I truly don't know why this is so hard now that I'm older. I used to be able to lose weight pretty easily. I often don't feel good - I think it is due to low protein and medication. Losing weight would reduce medications and I know I would feel better. Off to a good start today but after a lifetime of this struggle I'm not proud that I'm at it again. Good news is, having lost weight a hundred times in the past I know this is going to be a good stint.


  • lquinn51
    lquinn51 Posts: 5
    Good luck vicabn, I am also diabetic, and and working at losing weight. I have just begun, and so not too much lose yet.
  • lnhainstock
    Are you Type 1 or Type 2? I am not overly familiar with Diabetes but I did have the Gestational type during my pregnancies and through a lot of research and work with a Holistic Doctor and Dietitian I was really able to control it through eating a diet low of the glycemic index.

    Have you ever looked into this? Because my risk for becoming Diabetic in my lifetime is higher now I am very careful with the type of food I now eat. I do not eat any wheat or refined sugar, I eat limited whole grains and starches like oats, brown rice, quinoa and sweet potatoes. I eat mostly vegetables, some fruits and a lot of protein and healthy fats. I have lost over 50lbs after changing to this type of diet.

    Not sure if this will help you at all, but I just thought I would share my experience :)
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    I think that most everyone has a sedentary job.

    My diabetes resulted from shoveling the food in and surgically implanted a sofa to my posterior. I eat up to 242 and was put on metformin which contributes to weight gain.

    So I started walking 2.6 miles daily, climbing 20 stairs to public transit. I'm not going to do more than that now because I'm 235 and don't want to blow out my knees.

    I'm also eating for strength which is pretty much oatmeal flax and fruit for breakfast, Dr Joel Fuhman's huge veggie GOMBS dish or bitter greens, onions, mushrooms, beans, berries and seeds; and a bit of lean protein at dinner.
  • theocine
    theocine Posts: 36 Member
    Hi. I also am diabetic and fighting that dread sedentary job/life style. Please look into the Diabetics forum here. There are a LOT of useful links there and support from people facing these same issues.

    I've had this diagnoses for about 4 months (but you know, we've probably had it for a lot longer than our diagnosis). I'm looking forward to finding out this week whether the combination of metformin, counting calories and carbs and avoiding some of the big no-nos (according to my doctor) have helped.

    It's a team effort. You, your doctor, your family and friends, and the people here can all be part of your team.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    ... Dr Joel Fuhman's huge veggie GOMBS dish or bitter greens, onions, mushrooms, beans, berries and seeds; and a bit of lean protein at dinner.
    I am no longer pre-diabetic (Type II) and feeling great! There was no way I was going to end up like my mother, stabbing herself with a needle every day. Doctors don't tell you that diabetes is reversible in most cases. I've lost almost 50 pounds by changing my poor eating habits, following Dr. Fuhrman's "Eat To Live" plan, and getting some regular (sort of) exercise. I am off my high blood pressure medication; in fact, I take no medication whatsoever now. It's a whole new life for me.
    I highly recommend Dr. Fuhrman's books "Eat To Live," "Eat For Health", and "The End of Diabetes" as well as his excellent cookbook.
  • GlucernaBrand
    It's wonderful to hear how so many people have changed their eating habits and added exercise into your life to lose weight and improve your health. What helps you add physical activity to your day when you have a sedentary job? I make sure to get up and move around every 30 minutes, and stand up when I'm on the phone. Any other ideas? ~Lynn /Glucerna
  • vicabn
    vicabn Posts: 5
    Thank you lquinn51 - I appreciate it. Hoping your journey goes well too. One day at a time...:)
  • vicabn
    vicabn Posts: 5
    Thanks everyone for your suggestions and ideas - working with a dietician. Did not realize how little protein I get in a day - also didn't realize how difficult it is for me to eat protein. Bought shakes last night - found one with 30 grams that isn't gigantic. We'll see ;)
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I'm a type 2 diabetic.

    I didn't see your age, but I'm 63 and the best advice I can give you is to work at it and lose weight NOW because it does NOT get any easier.

    Has your doctor recommended a nutritionist you can visit to set up some guidelines? This would help.

    I'm not a shining example of what to do, that's for sure. But a friend of mine, (same age) recently lost 30 lbs and will be taken off her diabetes meds. (Warning. everyone is different, and depending on your individual case, you might have to stay on meds of some sort indefinitely)

    She was successful because she exercises an hour a day, has been cutting out EVERY form of white flour and sugar and counting carbs.

    Staying ON track is particularly hard with diabetes. It's harder for us than just "losing weight'.

    Some days, I feel like every single food is poison. It can be very depressing.

    I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer, but...it's HARD. It's hard because most of us with this problem are in denial; we LIKE
    things like doughnuts and cookies and crunchy white bread; that's how we got to this point.

    Maybe there should be a separate discussion thread JUST for people with diabetes... ??

    ; )
  • cindyb327
    cindyb327 Posts: 15 Member
    you can do it. once you get started it gets easier. you will feel better and the stomach shrinks, i think...cause i got to where i couldn't eat as much at one sitting. this calorie counting does work. i do1200 calories net but i'm shorter and small bone.(i'm middle-aged:) )I
    feel good...don't feel like i need more calories. i started off walking 1 mile and then i started running and working out.if i burn 200 calories from running 2 miles, i will eat 1400 calories. just start with one step at a time. lots of people are in your boat and if they can do it, you can! you could gradually ease into it and see what 1500 calories feels like...then walk for 5 minutes. it is soooooooo worth it.oh yeh, i completely stay away from sugar, white flour foods.(except when i cheated the other day, but we won't talk about that.:) )
  • vicabn
    vicabn Posts: 5
    I am 53 and I have had diabetes for 6 years and you are so right - it does not get any easier. I absolutely have to take off some weight - I am on a medication that costs 1300 for 3 months - it is an injectable - not insulin. CRAZY money. Not only that, it is fairly new so who knows what it is really doing to my body. Sugar at 103 this morning - protein shake for breakfast ... under my goal for calories yesterday without trying to be - fingers crossed.
  • bacendejas
    bacendejas Posts: 1 Member
    Get a recumbent bike.I am a type 2 diabetic and I must say using Myfitnesspal with a recumbent bike has done me wonders.My A1C went from 7.7 to a 5.3 in 6 months!! I use to hate exercise but I love this one.Its easy not hard on your knees and you can read or watch tv while doing it..Good Luck!:wink:
  • GlucernaBrand
    I'm glad getting more protein is helping you feel satisfied. Keep looking for ways to become more active as well. Every change you make is a step in the right direction. ~Lynn /Glucerna
  • Tinapopo
    Tinapopo Posts: 34 Member
    HiI'm type 2 diabetesI think those 5 years ago:smile: it gets easier just get used to eating what you're supposed to
  • LindaFromNH
    LindaFromNH Posts: 49 Member
    I think having a forum for DIABETICS would be a great idea!

    I have diabetes and struggle every day... I now have my diabetes in check, but it's not easy... I want very much to get it down under 100... I can't exercise much because of health problems... Hopefully as my weight goes down those things will change but you never know with arthritis...

    Let me know if anyone decides to start a diabetic forum and in the meantime, if you are diabetic and want to add me as a friend so we can figure out all this together. I need all the help/support/encouragement I can get :)
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    There is a group for Type 2 Diabetics already on MFP. It has lots of great threads and info. Everyone is very supportive.

    That said, everyone's diabetes is different. I have lost almost 60 lbs eating high protein and relatively low carb (100-130g per day). I don't follow any specific plan as I refuse to eliminate entire food groups. Anything is allowed as long as I am within my calorie and macro goals for the day. Because I try to eat 100+ grams of protein per day, I automatically end up with fewer carbs to stay within my goals.

    Exercise is very important. Not only does it help you burn calories, but it also helps make your body more sensitive to insulin. I have found my FitBit to be a useful tool for helping me move around more during the day -- parking farther away, taking the stairs, etc. I also get at least 30 minutes of 'planned' exercise every day. Three days per week I strength train and try to get a second cardio workout. Walking is a great place to start, and there are lots of simple exercises you can do at home.
  • LindaFromNH
    LindaFromNH Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks for the info... I guess I need to look further into the forums....
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    I am diabetic and agrees it sucks I wish I didn't have it ever and didn't have to worry about all the stuff that goes with it.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    My diabetes resulted from shoveling the food in and surgically implanted a sofa to my posterior. I eat up to 242 and was put on metformin which contributes to weight gain.

    I have lost a lot of weight with the help of Metformin...it totally decreases my appetite
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,300 Member
    Just wondering have you been offered a thyroid test. I have been surprised by the health issues it can be at the bottom of or be part of. The Thyroid support US and UK seem to say having it checked every 5 years is a good idea. All the best loosing weight is not fun when older what ever your reason.