Hey All :)

Hey All,

I've been using this site/app now for about 4-5 months but have never posted on the boards.

I wanted to just introduce myself and share my brief story, I've done so many 'diets' or 'attempts' to lose weight but always failed after 8lbs and piled it all back on (and then some!). This time though I've been so much more determined and to date have lost 46lbs :)

I just want to let people know, no matter how hard it can feel you CAN do it.... just keep looking at the long term goal that this isn't an overnight fix, it might not always be easy but if something is worth doing then it's worth working hard for.

I absolutely love my food and because I don't drink going out for meals is a social thing but using this site/app has helped me make better choices as I can see in writing what I'm having and how much I have left... .it's also helped me look for far healthier alternatives for my meals out (which are also less).

Anyway, that's me :)! Nice to meet all you skinny people :P



  • Hi :) Everyone feel free to add me! I'm SUPER interactive so if you're looking for someone to constantly comment and talk, I'm your girl!!
  • Hi Adam,

    I'm Kelly. I like you intro. Its rather encouraging. I'm looking for friends on this site to who wish to motivate and be motivated. If youare interested feel free to friend request me.

    Happy New Bodies
    Kelly ;-)
  • TayNLansNGraysDad
    TayNLansNGraysDad Posts: 138 Member
    You have a positive attitude! Keep up the good work!