Ahh Damaged Girl Diaries... "Won't u Be My"... Enabler?

Well here I go again. New to this site, Newly post break up, confidence broken, licking my wounds & intently searching for the body I used to know. Yes, I'm pathetic and part of me is saying "youll show that ex bum what he's missing" (I know, I know *puke*) But also my bp is high, I've gotten boo-loving fluffy and I can SO do better! I quit smoking 4 months ago so I know the will is there somewhere. Hopefully my mental instability will fuel my fire. LoL I'm so tired of having over ten thousand dollars worth of clothes I can't fit but buy every year in the hopes that I'll magically wake up trim. But I think I'm ready. I can do this. Food is an addiction right? Well I think it is and I'm gonna treat it as such. No fast food until my booty is spankable. Yup. That's a good goal. Anyway, lol.... Please feel free to join my journey. I could go it alone but this is the heaviest I've ever been and I'm pretty scared. My misery could use the company that helps my smile be my umbrella ... or some crap like that. Lol


  • 1pandabear
    1pandabear Posts: 336 Member
    You are ready. And funny. Good luck!
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    'spankable'... could you elaborate? plleeeaaassseee...
  • Thank you 1pandabear!

    "Spankable".... Lol u know what I mean Zekela....*wink wink* Bomchicawowwow! Hehehe....spankable.
  • SephiraRose
    SephiraRose Posts: 766 Member
    You can do this, just think how wonderful you'll look in those clothes. And good BP to boot. Good luck.