Weight loss-paralyzed limb

I'm a stroke survivor of almost three years ( August 2011) and need advice for how to lose weight/ exercise my paralyzed left arm. There is no movement in it at all. I use my good arm to move it from time to time, but my arm is heavy and that's not really exercising it. I've lost 27 lbs so far and have much more to go but I have a fear that I'm going to be left with an arm that is much bigger than the other simply because there is nothing else I can do for it. My mobility is limited because of a weak left leg and I walk with a cane. Exercise right now is walking outside for about 25-30minutes when the weather permits. If you've had experience with this or any suggestions, I would love to hear them. Thank you


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Kudos to you for taking a "no excuses" attitude towards your health! Awesome!

    Always remember that weight loss is mostly nutrition so to get that weight off you really want to focus on better eating and you can totally do it. As for exercises, you may want to talk to a physiotherapist about that. They can help you with specific exercises for your arm and leg but if you can walk 25-30 minutes (even with a cane) keep it up! It's better than nothing! Then do the exercises your physiotherapist gives you on top of it!

    Does that help?

    Feel free to friend me!
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I have nothing of practical value to add.

    Just wanted to express my admiration.

    Perhaps a chat with a qualified physio will be the best bet as per the poster above.

    ETA: walking is perhaps one of the best exercises IMHO - it's certainly one of my favourites. Nailing down the nutrition side coupled with some walking to give you a bit more of a calorie deficit to play with is going to get you some quality weight loss.
  • kbeatty1015
    kbeatty1015 Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion about the physiotherapist. The dirty little secret about stroke rehab is that after insurance has deemed you've made " enough progress" they no longer cover you, so I no longer receive therapy services. Very dumb and frustrating
  • kbeatty1015
    kbeatty1015 Posts: 56 Member
    I have nothing of practical value to add.

    Just wanted to express my admiration.

    Perhaps a chat with a qualified physio will be the best bet as per the poster above.

    ETA: walking is perhaps one of the best exercises IMHO - it's certainly one of my favourites. Nailing down the nutrition side coupled with some walking to give you a bit more of a calorie deficit to play with is going to get you some quality weight loss.