Fitness tips

I could use some fitness tips. I am a mother of 2 and I work full-time and go to school full-time. I am constantly on the go. I am having a hard time fitting fitness into my day. Anyone have any suggestions for me? I would appreciate any help at this point!


  • vdub88
    pick up the latest edition of Oxygen - ther eis a quick 4 minute workout that you can do in the kitchen while waiting for food to cook, laundry etc. I have to admit it was tougher than I thought it would be but I was looking for some things to do while on conference calls.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I wake up at four in the morning to fit in exercise. This means that 3 days out of the week my days are 18 hours long but it's worth it in the end.

    Edit: I mean 18 hours long because that's how long I'm actively out of the house. This isn't calculating chores/homework/prepping food/etc
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I try to add little things in b/c I'm not a morning person and barely get enough sleep as it is so getting up super early isn't an opiton for me. I park at the end of parking lots so I have to walk futher to get to the store , in my mind every little bit helps. I will do (don't laugh) arm exercises and or squats while I take bathroom breaks at work. I have a small free weight in my kitchen that I use while cooking. Our cable has an on demand option that has some kid friendly yoga I put that one and let the little one do yoga with me. When I take the kids to the park, I was (and need to start back) parking a couple blocks away and walking then while swinging the little one I would make sure I was constantly moving.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I have two almost 3-year-olds. I also work full time. However, i don't have school. Your plate is full.

    I work out when I can after my girls go to bed, which isn't until 10 right now. I really only get to it 3-4 times per week. Lately its been 0 times, but that's because of outside stressors. I workout at home, I have an elliptical and a bunch of dvds. I want to get a treadmill, but that will likely not happen until we get a bigger house.

    I like the Jillian Michaels dvds because they are shorter and very effective.

    At times I have walked on my breaks at work, but I don't like getting all sweaty and having to be stinky the rest of the day, so I don't often do that, but it is an option. The girls I would walk with would end up doing 2 miles in just over 15 minutes, so very quick.
  • shannonkk
    shannonkk Posts: 192 Member
    I have four kids and work full time I understand you. I walk on all three of my work breaks. 15 minutes in the am, 15minutes of my lunch because I need 15 to eat lunch also, then I walk 15min on my last break. I also put the kids in a double stroller push them to the park, there are hills and pushing two big boys makes you sweat. I do walking lunges as I walk through the house, sit ups and pushups here and there and if I have time I do a hard 30 minutes elliptical while watching my favorite show at night. Pack lunches and eat snacks while you walk. You could also walk between college classes too.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    do what you can, when you can. Remember this: What you're eating (or not eating LOL) is having a much bigger impact on your weight loss than exercise, so keep that in mind when you feel like you're not doing enough.

    You can do this!
  • Sara2525
    Sara2525 Posts: 50 Member
    I feel for you. I have 3 young kids, work full time, and also go to school full time. I try to get up in the mornings to work out but it only happens about 50% of the time (not a morning person) so I save it for the evenings. I walk every day at lunch for 30 minutes with a co-worker and then I exercise while my kids are watching a movie before bed. I usually do some sort of DVD or use the treadmil. The nights my husband is home and I don't have school, I go for a run outside. My kids are pretty good about letting me exercise and don't interupt too often. My little one will sometimes try to do it with me but it doesn't last more then 5 minutes! I also exercise on the weekends when I'm off work since I have a little more time. It is really difficult but it is worth it and you can fit it in. Another thing I do is squats or jumping jacks every time I use the restroom! Good luck.