Just want to introduce myself!

Hi Everyone! I'm Victoria and I just recently came back to using myfitnesspal today. I am an RN and with my schedule I had stopped being active for a couple of months and in turn have wasted the almost $30 / month I pay at the gym. Even my eating habits have gone out of whack! I want to get back to running and doing strength training and most importantly eating healthy but I need motivation. Today, I almost did not run and I had to really force myself...I'm glad I did and I was able to do 3 mi...but believe me, it was a struggle!! I am hoping that I can get support from all of you guys out there because honestly it can be a torture going through this alone. Hopefully, I can also offer my support to anyone who needs it!


  • ChasingMyBliss
    ChasingMyBliss Posts: 803 Member
    Hey!! I would like to have a few more friends to keep motivated with. Add me as a friend if you like!
  • DP325i
    DP325i Posts: 677 Member
    Welcome back =) feel free to add me
  • J3nnyBeanz
    J3nnyBeanz Posts: 134 Member
    Welcome back to MFP :) its great that you pushed yourself to run. The first step is always the hardest. Feel free to add me :):)
  • 24lol25
    24lol25 Posts: 49
    You can add me as a friend as well. Just always remember your goal and don't give in. We're all supporting you, and want you to succeed! :)