Looking for new friends! and.. instagram?

Since I'm starting afresh with a lot of things in my life (break-up / moved out to a new city / starting uni)
i decided to do away with my old account, and set up one that's been untainted by the past.

It would be amazeballs to get some new friends on MFP to keep motivation levels up.

I'll do my best to cheer you on, and I may *poke* you if I notice that you're not hitting your macros >:)
now repeat after me: food is not the enemy.

Also, if you're on Instagram and have fitness/health-related posts, feel free to add me up :)@ballurina
[clean/iifym food + mental & physical health]

note that if you've got an account filled with something completely unrelated like cats, puppies, or pareidolia (jesus toast!); I'd still enjoy that immensely and would like to know of its existence.