Hi all, I started a new workout and have a question. Maybe a dumb one, we will see :)

I have not been good about weights, while I enjoy them, I did not stick to a routine or workout. So, I bought a video to help. I really enjoy Leslie Sansone's videos so I got her 30 day firm video, alternates cardio and strength. I tried out the firm segment today and liked it, lots of squats and lunges, this old equestrians legs are exhausted and even as fat as I am that is saying something. The one thing I had issue was this, and I am hoping it is just because of my weight (235).

You start out on hands and knees then extend one leg straight out behind you. Then extend the alternate arm out and hold. My supporting knee hurt, and not in the good way :S Will this go away with time? Is it the weight? I ended up resting my toe on the floor so all the weight was not on one knee.



  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Hurt how? I would say it will eventually go away as you get into better shape but if this pain is something that feels wrong maybe just skip this exercise or try it and if it hurts skip it and move on to the next one - just until your body gets used to the new ways your are using it - don't risk injury - do you have a mat under you? or modify the exercise to reduce the amount of pressure on your knee - maybe just do the leg extension and leave out the arm extension

    not an expert just a suggestion :flowerforyou:
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    If it hurts because the floor is hard, you need a mat. Even a folded towel will do. If the joint hurts because it cannot hold the weight, either you need to correct your pose, or to skip this exercise for the time being.
  • Fassopony
    Fassopony Posts: 18
    I was on carpet but I also have a mat. I will try the mat next time. I think it is the joint hurts because it can't hold the weight :(