Calculate my calorie needs? - Doing Insanity

Hi! I am hoping someone can help me calculate my calorie needs for doing Insanity! I am pretty much completely lost on the whole TDEE stuff and I want to make sure that I eat properly because this will be the first time I do any sort of HIIT (but I am pretty fit), and I don't want to tire myself out or feel sick.

I am a 20 year old female, 5'0" tall, I haven't weighed myself in a while but I'm consistently 115-120 pounds. I would like to lose weight during Insanity, but I'm not looking to lose a lot of weight, really only between 5-10 pounds, but I am more concerned about toning up and get rid of body fat.

I did the: 655 + (4.35xweight) + (4.7xheight) + (4.7xage) x 1.7, then subtract 500 for losing weight and got 2,100 calories.. That seems quite high...

If anyone could help me I would be very grateful :)


  • beccamorty
    beccamorty Posts: 29 Member
    Oh, and I most likely won't be doing any other activity other than Insanity. I walk about 5kms a day probably, but that's just errands/school, and I generally don't count that.