Question on Calorie intake/Calories burned

Need some motivation!! I've been on my journey for 21 days now, dropped 8 lbs in the first 12 days and have been stuck since then. I go up a little bit and then back down but can't break the 8 lb mark. I'm working out, watching my calories, nothing really has changed. I know this is going to happen often but what are tips and tricks to kick my system back in gear?? Any help is welcome!!! I have a question also on myfitnesspal. Say I am allowed 100 (not true but lowering the numbers to make it easier to follow LOL) calories, I eat 150 calories and I work out to burn 75 calories so that leaves me at showing I can still have 25 calories. I know I don't want to eat another 25 calories so my question is, is the goal to make sure I never go over the allowed calories at the end of the day and just ignore the burned calories are those are just extra? Trying to figure out the sweet spot, if that makes sense. THANK YOU!!


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    The daily goal that MFP gives you has you at a calorie deficit - meaning you could eat all your calories every day, do zero exercise, and you'll lose weight. When you burn more through exercise, you're increasing that deficit, and making it too large which can do you more harm than good in the long run.

    This is why the burned calories are added back into your daily goal - you are supposed to eat them back, bringing your NET cals at or very near your daily goal. You will still be in a calorie deficit and lose weight, keeping your body fueled for daily life and workouts.

    If you have not been eating them back up to this point (especially if you're set on the all-too-standard 1200 a day) - START. Your body will welcome the extra fuel and it's probably just what you need to get the scale moving again.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    You lost 8 lbs in 21 days. That is an extremely fast loss. Be patient - it isn't always going to go that fast. Weight loss is not linear. Keep doing what you are doing, and eventually the scale will start moving again.

    MFP is designed so that you eat back calories burned through exercise. You should be trying to MEET your calorie goal, not come under it. At the end of the day, you want your NET calories to equal what MFP gave you to lose the weight.
  • elephant2mouse
    elephant2mouse Posts: 906 Member
    You lost 8 lbs in 21 days. That is an extremely fast loss. Be patient - it isn't always going to go that fast. Weight loss is not linear. Keep doing what you are doing, and eventually the scale will start moving again.

    MFP is designed so that you eat back calories burned through exercise. You should be trying to MEET your calorie goal, not come under it. At the end of the day, you want your NET calories to equal what MFP gave you to lose the weight.

    It's more of a big ball of wibbly-wobbly-fatty-watty?
    sorry I had to.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member

    It's more of a big ball of wibbly-wobbly-fatty-watty?
    sorry I had to.
  • trishs0216
    trishs0216 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all for your comments, it makes sense. This is the first time I have used this app so it was a little confusing at first. I kept thinking if I was under my daily amount of calories that was even better, I wasn't thinking that it was already set for me to lose weight. I do kick boxing 3x a week and cardio for at least 45 min on the other days. On my kickboxing days, I can burn 650-800 calories and I'm allowed 1240 a day so I feel better about eating more on those days because I am burning so much!! So the basic goal is to be close to my goal (green numbers and not red numbers at the end of the day) in calories.

    Thanks again!!!