Chiropractor & Weight Loss

Okay - so this is a little off topic but.....I think that this particular topic is helpful for my weight loss. Also, I'm interested in finding out more about other people's experiences.

I had my monthly visit to the chiropractor today. I got completely worked over. I know I come out of there aching every week and I think it has a lot to do with my increased flexibility. Since the joints don't hurt so much anymore, the muscles are getting worked out harder. And once a month, they get a concentrated stretching on the specific points where it's painful.

Does anyone else use a chiropractor? Do you think it's helping your weight loss - besides the exercise (i.e. excess fluid in a kinked muscle because of a misalignment) aspect? My former doctor was not thrilled that I was seeing a chiropractor so I haven't really brought it up with my new one - I'm only getting maintenance now, but by the end of the month, I really feel the muscles contracting.


  • BunnyDVP
    BunnyDVP Posts: 71 Member
    I am under the care of a Chiropractor for a problem with my neck and shoulders. I have a pinched nerve and 3 vertebrae that are trying to fuse together. This has caused me a great deal of pain in my neck and shoulders. This is the second chiropractor that I have seen and I have been very pleased with the care and results that I have gotten from both.

    I tend to agree with you that now that I am not in as much pain I tend to work my muscles more and have more energy to exercise and in the long run it will result in helping with my weight loss.

    My doctor has also adjusted my legs and back and that too has helped with my energy level.

    If I were you I would at least address the topic with my new doctor concerning Chiropractic care so that you can at least get a feel for his/her opinion and will know whether to continue to discuss the care (or not) with the general practioner. My doctor is well aware that I use a chiropractor and is all in favor of it. He even ordered some blood tests that my Chiropractor requested so that my insurance would pay (it would not have paid if ordered by the Chiropractor) and my doctor faxed a copy and also gave me a copy to give to my Chiropractor. I also have follow up visits to my surgeon since I have had gastric bypass surgery and that doctor too is in favor of my Chiropractic care.

    Take care and let me know how your visits are going.
  • AndriaLL
    I see my chiropractor every week. I herniated two discs in my back in 1998 and had a bad fall on my bike this past June. I have also had to walk around in casts and surgical boots 7 times in between which always causes the back problems to flare up. I don't think it helps with weight loss (or allergies, etc., that some chiros claim they can help), other than to keep things moving with less pain so that I can continue exercising. My primary care doctor approves of my chiropractic care because all she could really do for the pain (neck and back) is prescribe narcotics, and we'd both rather not resort to that.
  • bsitts
    I absolutely love seeing my chiro. My 3 yr old even goes. I think it depends on the drs personal pt of view whether they support chiro or not. My daughter's pedi thinks it's a crock, but he's old school (was my pedi first!)
    Just for her pt of view, my dr is in her 20s and very current on new practices, and prefers trying to get rid of a cold with vitamins and holistic treatment rather than antibiotics. She is all for chiro and visits one herself.
    I think just feeling better, ie, flexibility and less bone/joint pain would totally help weight loss from an exercise stand pt and because the better you feel the more active you are in general.
    My chiro told me there are pressure points for weight loss, I'd ask yours or google it.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Actually I used to see a chiropractor, but I realized that I was carrying too much weight and more core was week. I haven't gone to the chiro in over 8 months now. Less weight and I strengthened my core/abs.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I love my chiro! He helps with different issues, headaches, bulging discs, perforated disc, hip displacement, and arthritis problems in shoulders, hips and knees, as well as in the spine. Just for chits and giggles we did a BP check before treatment and again 15 minutes after treatment. It showed a big difference! I don't have BP issues, but they had one of those hospital sponsored RV's in the lot that day doing free testing on BP and blood sugar. I don't know if it has any affect on my weight loss other than keeping me able to move and exercise relatively pain free.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I'm a big believer in chiro...but what on earth is your chiropractor doing that causes you to be sore!? That doesn't sound right....