Why Eat MORE calories?

Why does everyone say eat more calories and you will lose weight?
I could make my diary public if you guys want to look and tell me if it looks ok or not. I am trying to keep carbs down. Carbs just stick to me.
I just started 2 weeks ago and lost 2 lbs so far. It feels very slow......


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am not sure to be honest...

    My advice is to have a reasonable calorie deficet. For me that means I eat 1600 calories a day....

    If a person is eating 1200 calories a day chances are they are avoiding their favorite foods which can lead to "binges".

    Your diary isn't public but the key to weight loss is just a calorie deficet...honest...you don't have to eliminate anything...

    As for your loss rate I would be happy with 1lb a week it's pretty good and realize that the closer you get to goal the slower the loss comes...I average 1/2lb a week...
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Why does everyone say eat more calories and you will lose weight?
    I could make my diary public if you guys want to look and tell me if it looks ok or not. I am trying to keep carbs down. Carbs just stick to me.
    I just started 2 weeks ago and lost 2 lbs so far. It feels very slow......

    Well, it is false that eating more directly leads to weight loss.

    But eating more may help you continue long term rather than short term.
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    It defies,all logic to believe that you should eat more in order to lose weight. Unless you are eating more so that you do more exercise, in which case you would net fewer calories and lose weight. I don't believe in starving yourself to lose weight (just not healthy, duh), but eating more to lose weight? Won't happen.
  • gabbymom2
    gabbymom2 Posts: 175 Member
    I do.not get why people say that....I'm with you trying to keep carbs down. But even though I am eating well and under what the site says....I'm not exactly dropping weight very fast either.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    With only 7 pounds to lose, according to your ticker, a pound a week is not 'very slow;' it's arguably faster than many around here would recommend as a sustainable loss, as weight tends to come off more slowly, the closer you get to goal weight.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    1 pound/week is not too slow, particularly if you don't have too much to lose. The general idea here is that slower weight loss is generally more sustainable, so many users opt for a smaller calorie deficit. With a smaller deficit, you're more likely to stick to your diet since you can still eat the foods you love, and you'll be better prepared for maintenance since it won't require a big jump in calories.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Your ticker says you only have 7lbs to lose - 1 lb a week so far is amazing with such a small amount to lose.

    For me, eating more calories helps with adherence. I could drastically cut my calories and be a HANGRY b*tch who falls off the wagon all the time, or I could eat more calories (still at a slight deficit), have some patience and be more willing to stick with it.
    I also find that a smaller deficit gives me more food to power through my workouts and lifting and helps me be more active in general.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Mostly people don't say eat more in order to lose more weight. They see eat more to lose mostly fat (instead of mostly muscle) and to be healthy. But there is some evidence that eating at a more severe deficit leads to moving around less (to conserve energy). Eating more calories can provide the necessary energy to workout harder as well as increase daily activity like taking the stairs or walking to work.

    For me personally that seems to be the case. I have chronic fatigue syndrome and I can't handle much of a deficit before I'm too lethargic to get up and move around.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Mostly people don't say eat more in order to lose more weight. They see eat more to lose mostly fat (instead of mostly muscle) and to be healthy. But there is some evidence that eating at a more severe deficit leads to moving around less (to conserve energy). Eating more calories can provide the necessary energy to workout harder as well as increase daily activity like taking the stairs or walking to work.

    For me personally that seems to be the case. I have chronic fatigue syndrome and I can't handle much of a deficit before I'm too lethargic to get up and move around.

    Smart lady right here.
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    2 lbs in 2 weeks is good progress. Did you gain it all overnight? Probably not. Therefore, you will not lose it overnight. I have 8 lbs to lose. I upped my calories and am still losing - just a bit slower. I'm easing into maintenance so to speak. I probably could knock those 8 lbs out quicker by eating 1200 cals - but I wouldn't be fun to be around, ha!
  • CPAmommy
    CPAmommy Posts: 15 Member
    I fixed my ticker. The first week is always more of a weight loss so for the first week it seemed slow. But I agree with you guys I should just stay on track w my calories.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Why does everyone say eat more calories and you will lose weight?
    I could make my diary public if you guys want to look and tell me if it looks ok or not. I am trying to keep carbs down. Carbs just stick to me.
    I just started 2 weeks ago and lost 2 lbs so far. It feels very slow......
    Because people are misinformed.

    You eat more calories to properly fuel your body, especially when you work out, but you still must stay within a calorie deficit to lose weight.

    If you eat more calories while staying within that deficit, you will lose weight slower, but you should also have much more energy to do those workouts, which will make your toned.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I think people like to use it as an excuse to make themselves feel better for eating just under their BMR. I also don't get people eating exercise cals back? I'd rather not exercise!

    I am a die hard 1200 cal girl and Im going strong, and loosing at a great rate.

    You're not supposed to eat under your BMR. Your BMR is the number of calories you need just to lay around in a coma. My BMR is several hundred calories below what I need to eat in order to lose weight, I don't need an excuse or need to feel better about eating enough to properly fuel my body. I lose 1-2 lbs per week and have seen performance gains in all my exercises.

    You may want to check out these links, it may help you better understand calorie equations and why people eat the number of calories that they do:




  • sillyvalentine
    sillyvalentine Posts: 460 Member
    If you are working out, I would say that eating more calories is probably in your best interests. Myself, I sit on my *kitten* all day everyday so I eat a low amount of calories. Once I lose some weight and working out is a more desirable option (also when spring/summer comes) I will probably increase my calories slowly because I will be more active.
  • housemouse1957
    It has taken me years to work this out. I never eat breakfast had hardly anything for lunch small night meal. Told by dieatation I'm not eating enough. Yeh that's why I'm fat I'm trying to loose it. Took advice changed to 3 meals increased my calories I've lost 14 pound in 4 weeks. The body needs the fuel to burn the fat fact it works.
  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    The only way I could find to describe it was cyclical and hard to follow. Basically, your body needs food. Your entire body needs food. Not just your muscles. Not just your heart. Your pancreas needs food. Your lungs need food. When trying to drop weight too quickly, there is a concern that you're not getting enough nutrients for your poor, sad little spleen.

    Feed your spleen.
  • benlambrou
    benlambrou Posts: 42 Member
    I wish I could find the link but one of the reasons is your metabolism. Some people have always under ate and have a slowed metabolism and when you start to eat more( usually more often) you will gain weight at first and than once your metabolism speeds to what your normal should be you will start to loose weight. The body is crazy.

    You have to look at it as if you where under eating your body will want to store more. So when you over eat at times it all goes to storage. If you keep fed your body will not need to store as it once did.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I eat more to fuel my body. I'm very active in general and workout on top of that. Your body needs the appropriate amount of fuel to run optimally. I like to think about it like keeping my car's engine tuned up to run optimally.

    I tend to eat a different amount every day depending on my calorie burns but I never go below 1800 and make sure I always net my BMR unless I am sick. I have lost steadily at 1-2 lbs a week.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Why does everyone say eat more calories and you will lose weight?
    I could make my diary public if you guys want to look and tell me if it looks ok or not. I am trying to keep carbs down. Carbs just stick to me.
    I just started 2 weeks ago and lost 2 lbs so far. It feels very slow......

    Well, it is false that eating more directly leads to weight loss.

    But eating more may help you continue long term rather than short term.
    Depends on what "eating more" is referring to. To the girl earlier today who decided to eat 900 a day and asked if that was good, many people told her no -it's not and she needs to eat more and will have better success if she does. To those who eat everything in sight and don't watch their diet at all, then of course eat more is not good advice for them.

    Rather than just "eat more", most of us who offer that advice are meaning specifically, eat more than the standard 1200 that MFP spits out when everyone sets their loss goal for 2lbs a week, even if they only have 10-20lbs to lose. That's too aggressive a goal, and leaves them with too large a deficit.

    So rather than just "eat more" - eat the PROPER amount of calories for your stats - m/f, height, current weight, activity level and goals. Basically in between your BMR and your TDEE. MFP works beautifully when used correctly - info and goals entered accurately and reasonably, and when exercise cals (at least a good portion of them) are eaten back, bringing daily NET cals at or very near goal, and you're still at a deficit for the day.

    Those who are set at 1200 cals and refuse to eat a single exercise cal "because it's stupid after all that hard work" will get an "EAT MORE" from me every time. Food is fuel, and you will have your best success if you're properly fueling your body for your daily life and exercise. Fat comes off, lean muscle is preserved, and you get to your goals in a sustainable manner that you can stick with. Drastic calorie cuts and huge deficits lead to burn out and yo-yo dieting.

    That's why some of us say eat more. :smile: Besides - why limit yourself to 1200 when you can eat more (1800-2000 in my case) and still lose the fat and inches? I'd much rather enjoy life and the foods I love while dropping the weight than restricting myself and having to cut out so many things to try to stick to a lower number.