Is my workout routine ok?

What do you think of my workout routine? Should I change anything?

This is what my workouts are like now. I always warm up for 5 minutes on treadmill, elliptical, bike or stairmaster. My strength training workouts last from 45-60 minutes , I do each exercise for 3 sets of 8-12 reps and I rest 1-2 minutes between sets. Sometimes I change the exercises for each muscle group to switch it up:

Upper body workout:
smith machine bench press
bicep curls
shoulder press
pull ups
russian twists

Lower body workout:
leg curls
leg extension
hyperextensions with plate
calf raises
leg press

Cardio: Treadmill, elliptical or bike for 45 mins to an hour or 20 minutes of HIIT on treadmill.

Sun - cardio
Mon- lower body
Tues - upper body
Wed - cardio
Thurs - lower body
Fri - upper body
Sat - rest

Also, usually on leg day my legs are a tiny but sore and im wondering if it could be the cardio from the day before.