nerve tingles during dips

so last few chest/ tricep days my right elbow into my right arm and hand have been tingling when i do dips. only when im all the way down.
for anyone that doesnt know what a dip is. (i also do the the right way all the way down)

it doesn't affect my strength but messes up me mentally. makes me worry something wrong or something going to happen and in turn messes up my strength lol.

anyone what the problem or have any ideas?


  • Jennilyn79
    Jennilyn79 Posts: 30 Member
    Sounds like you are stretching your brachial plexus, which is basically a bundle of nerves that enter your arm in the shoulder region. When you stretch or extend that area too much it can cause the numbness or tingling lower down. I get pinky numbness from extending my shoulder to much while holding a barbell. Dips are known to be harder on the shoulder. Watch your form or modify or change to a different exercise.
  • FearlessRobb
    FearlessRobb Posts: 249 Member
    what stinks is it just started. before it never did it just recently.