The over 50 crowd

Hey folks, I am 55 years old and spend my days educating youth. I love my job, but it tends to be somewhat sedentary. I have played yoyo with my weight for the past few years and needless to say, each time my weight goes up it goes a little higher. I have to stop this cycle. I have made a very deliberate and conscious decision to not loose weight this time but to actually change the way that I live. This change is a three tiered approach 1) loose weight, 2) improve my physical condition, and 3) eliminate the stressors in my life.

My plan is to engage in a exercise regiment that will help me burn fat, and improve my strength and cardio capacity, reform how I eat so that I my diet is conducive with being healthy and keeping the weight off, and to eliminate stress where ever possible. Those of us over 50 know that it is easy to become less active than we should. So I am looking for others who are like minded and want to support each other in making healthy choices and achieving our goals.

SW: 288
CW: 245
GW: 200

I'd love to be able to fit in my dress blues again just in case I have a reason to wear then.

If you are on a similar journey, let's support each other along the way.


  • Artglassguy
    Artglassguy Posts: 12 Member
    nearly identical stats, 55, starting weight 288 (this round) goal weight 210 (pretty close)

    i'm in. ;)

    a fount of knowledge

    this, and other sources of info the this site led me to, enabled me to lose over 30 lbs in a little under a month (before i fell of the wagon) but now i'm back, more determined, and with a much better understanding of myself, and how to be successful this time.
    hope it can help others