-63 lbs but needing some motivation.... (pics included)



  • StarlightMountain
    You are looking so great! Keep at it.
  • BlakeKellyD
    BlakeKellyD Posts: 76 Member
    You look great!! Congrats & best wishes on the rest of your journey. :)
  • Nelliemay420
    Nelliemay420 Posts: 6 Member
    I have been up and down when it comes to motivation. I can't pin point why the motivation goes away at times when other times it's so strong! You just have to fight through it. Going on this website and looking at other people's success stories always get's me going and become excited about weight loss.

    If the weight loss aid is making you feel bad i would STOP NOW! I'm really a fan of the good old fashion way, eating cleaner, smaller portions and moving as much as possible. You don't need that other stuff. I feel the best way with sticking with a a good diet plan is planning it out. Go grocery shopping, put together daily menu's and being prepared. If i don't have something set up for dinner I am more likely to get take out which is usually never well prepared and will make you go over your calories. I try to prepare as much as my own food as possible.

    Also, make a commitment at least to do 3x per week with working out. Try to find something you like to do whether that is the treadmill, walking outdoors, Zumba, Boot-Camp. Videos are good. I like Jillian Michaels. Many workouts are 30 minutes which takes less time but is still a great workout. You will never regret a workout once it's done and many times if you are tired it does give you energy.
  • CandiesAndSweets
    CandiesAndSweets Posts: 167 Member
    Don't cut yourself short on your success. You're already successful with your weight loss. Don't judge your progress by the time it takes you to lose weight. That's setting yourself up for failure.

    Start small. I started with walks and cutting out soda. That progressed to yoga, which then progressed to cardio and cutting down a bit on junk food. Then that progressed to strength training and eating healthy 90% of the time. It took me over a year to get there too. What fueled my motivation, was finally figuring out what worked for ME. After lots of trial and error, I have realized I have love for working out with kettlebells. I then got a workout video, as well as some info on proper use of kettlebells along with the kettlebells. I've been powering through the workouts ever since. It's already been about two months. It may not seem long, but it's the longest I've EVER stuck to any weight loss commitment. On the days I'm not feeling it, I push through and often look at the success stories forum to keep me going. I want to be able to post my story on there one day too.

    My point is, take baby steps and explore what excites you. Excitement fuels motivation.
  • itzehoe
    itzehoe Posts: 614 Member
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