diets do not work(look inside for the answer)

roperfam4 Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi my name is David I have been yo yoing most of my life and it has been a struggle, I lost and gained tell on fathers day of this year I got up to 295 lbs. Let me tell you that sucked I have two boys 6 and 3 and another girl on the way in a few days, And I did not want to watch them grow up from the side lines. So I took my weight battle on from the outside in. I looked at myself not as a fat person but as a person, some one who slips and makes mistakes. In doing so I realized what the real causes of my weight gain and over eating where coming from. First took a hard look at myself and realized that I was a closet eater ( basically I loved to scarf down food when no one was watching),also that I never really learn to tell when I was full. Lastly that I was living to eat ans not eating to live. So after I had excepted these facts about myself, I went another step and I told some one which for my was the hardest thing to do,this person was my wife. Then I took a hard look at what I put in my mouth every day, and I was shocked. I know how to eat right (water, skim milk, diet soda, and various other steps) and just did them the same as I was and with this new me I stared my new life. Today I weigh 256 lbs.. I sleep better no snoring( my wife likes that) lowered my cholesterol and blood pressure, no more gastrol reflex and gain a ton of energy to play with my kids. I still have a ways to go tell 160, but most importantly I believe in myself and what I am doing.


Eat to live, not live to eat

Make sure the your restaurant meal comes with a to go box for half your order

Eat what you want, Just make the right choice about how much of it you do eat

Make it hard for yourself to gain weight ans ez to lose

Weigh once a week at the same time every week

Find a eating schedule that works for you

Believe in yourself and your New life, You can do it


  • freeatlast20
    freeatlast20 Posts: 120 Member
    thats a wonderful way to look at things...ill have to keep these in mind as i face my days...thanks!
  • Congrats on the weight loss, keep up the hard work!
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    all great points! Congrats to you and good sleeping to your wife now that you don't snore LOL.

    Keep it going - good health to you!
  • mtizy
    mtizy Posts: 38
    I'm a closet eater too, but I've been working on it as well. Congrats on your success so far. These are all great tips. The definition of a diet is what you eat, a diet shouldn't be about restraining calories or cutting out foods you love. Your diet is something you will have with you for the rest of your life. Thanks for sharing your insight with everyone and good luck!
  • awe, keep up the weight loss, and congrates on the new baby coming!
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