Anyone out there struggling to lose the last 10-15 pounds?

Good morning MFP peeps! I have about 13 more pounds left to lose to reach my goal, and it is difficult! Is anyone struggling to lose the last few pounds, or who have conquered the last few pounds?? I'm looking for any advice to help me get through this. Just yesterday I dropped my calorie goal to 1400 to see if that would work, I guess I'll find out by the end of the week. For how I was losing my weight before, I thought I would have hit my goal by Valentines Day....well I was wrong! It would be nice to hit my goal sometime in April. Help me please!! :sad:


  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
  • hazydaisyshauna
    I have 12 lbs to go and yes, i am not losing as fast as I want. lost 3 lbs and have now plateaued again.
  • lambchoplewis1
    lambchoplewis1 Posts: 156 Member
    Hi there I am in same boat. I lost all the weight and in the last year have gained back 13 lbs. I have been trying to get this off for 2 months with not much luck. I do remember how I lost it in the first place. I am back to weighing myself, logging food and exercise and no drinking wine. That is what added the labs back on!!!
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I am in the same boat. I'd like to get rid of around 13-15 lbs, I'm only 5ft 1 so that's a good chunk for my frame. I have been sitting at the same spot for the past month and this AM finally saw the scale go down a pound. I try to tell myself that it's how I feel, how my clothes fit, blah blah, but really it is frustrating to try to watch what I eat and exercise and not see movement. I could always tighten up the eating a bit more, but I really don' want to give up my chocolate! I watch portion sizes, I weigh things (my husband thinks I'm crazy putting everything on the scale). *sigh* I wanted to get rid of this weight before summer.
  • katylil
    katylil Posts: 223 Member
    As counterproductive as this sounds: try UPPING your calories, not lowering them.

    Your body naturally slows down your weightloss as you get closer to your goal weight. If you create an even bigger calorie deficit, you'll just start to lose muscle, not fat. I'd say try upping your calories about 100cals on what you were on before you went down to 1400. Also up your strength training regime to ensure you're keeping your muscles and only losing fat.

    You will probably go up a pound or two in the first week but keep going and I guarantee it WILL come off. Yes, it will be slower, but in the long run, you'll find it easier to maintain.

    Good luck :)
  • SummerRain43
    I've been gaining and losing the same 5lb for months now.....I need to lost 10-12lb.....I'm not sure how I'm going to achieve this but if I figure out something that works for me, i'll be happy to share it....feel free to add me.....I'm working on the calories and macros and trying to find that balance with the exercise and eating back calories etc etc.....I've heard that these last few pounds are the toughest.....but I did it once, and when I started lifting the 10 pounds crept back on.....probably mostly in the form of muscle but I noticed some little jiggly bits come back on the hips and thighs.....anyway....I won't give up......add me as a friend if you like and i'll share any advice I can....
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    -Set your goal to lose 0.5lbs/week (too large of a deficit, a larger % of your weight loss will come from muscle) You can do cardio if you wish, or just get your deficit from diet alone, cardio will allow you to eat more, may help with adherence if hungry often
    -Weigh solid foods and measure liquids (make sure you are eating what you think you are)
    -Get adequate protein intake (enough protein will help you maintain lean muscle while losing fat), Aim for a minimum of 0.8 grams per lb of goal weight, if you know your BF% 1 gram per lb of LBM but the goal weight calc should be close, and def. adequate.
    -Take part in a progressive lifting strength training routine (help you maintain lean muscle while losing fat), and
    -give it time
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    I am in the same boat. I'd like to get rid of around 13-15 lbs, I'm only 5ft 1 so that's a good chunk for my frame. I have been sitting at the same spot for the past month and this AM finally saw the scale go down a pound. I try to tell myself that it's how I feel, how my clothes fit, blah blah, but really it is frustrating to try to watch what I eat and exercise and not see movement. I could always tighten up the eating a bit more, but I really don' want to give up my chocolate! I watch portion sizes, I weigh things (my husband thinks I'm crazy putting everything on the scale). *sigh* I wanted to get rid of this weight before summer.
    I'm fun size too! I'm 5' 2", so I know these last few pounds will make a nice difference in how I look. :smile:
  • IbiH
    IbiH Posts: 250 Member
    Have you checked out your BMR/TDEE? Try

    It took me a year to lose 40lbs with plenty of ups and downs. The last 10 lbs are always the hardest. I've now been on maintenance for a year. It's not easy but I make sure I log all my meals, I'm good 85% of the time and at other times I enjoy myself. I have never denied myself any foods, I just am mindful of the portion size.
  • lambchoplewis1
    lambchoplewis1 Posts: 156 Member
    I am in the same boat. I'd like to get rid of around 13-15 lbs, I'm only 5ft 1 so that's a good chunk for my frame. I have been sitting at the same spot for the past month and this AM finally saw the scale go down a pound. I try to tell myself that it's how I feel, how my clothes fit, blah blah, but really it is frustrating to try to watch what I eat and exercise and not see movement. I could always tighten up the eating a bit more, but I really don' want to give up my chocolate! I watch portion sizes, I weigh things (my husband thinks I'm crazy putting everything on the scale). *sigh* I wanted to get rid of this weight before summer.

    This is me!! I am 5'2" so yes, 13 lbs is more than 10% of my body weight. Clothes are tight and I am NOT buying new for spring/summer. Until the weight is off, no wine for me and maybe u could give up chocolate during week and have a small amount on weekend. I had lost the weight, kept it off and now re-gained some so, it is coming off!!
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    -Set your goal to lose 0.5lbs/week (too large of a deficit, a larger % of your weight loss will come from muscle) You can do cardio if you wish, or just get your deficit from diet alone, cardio will allow you to eat more, may help with adherence if hungry often
    -Weigh solid foods and measure liquids (make sure you are eating what you think you are)
    -Get adequate protein intake (enough protein will help you maintain lean muscle while losing fat), Aim for a minimum of 0.8 grams per lb of goal weight, if you know your BF% 1 gram per lb of LBM but the goal weight calc should be close, and def. adequate.
    -Take part in a progressive lifting strength training routine (help you maintain lean muscle while losing fat), and
    -give it time
    My goal is set for .5/week, though the scale doesn't agree with that setting. ;) I know I do have a problem getting all my protein in....Especially when I exercise!
    I'm just tired of giving it time.... :wink:
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    I've been gaining and losing the same 5lb for months now.....I need to lost 10-12lb.....I'm not sure how I'm going to achieve this but if I figure out something that works for me, i'll be happy to share it....feel free to add me.....I'm working on the calories and macros and trying to find that balance with the exercise and eating back calories etc etc.....I've heard that these last few pounds are the toughest.....but I did it once, and when I started lifting the 10 pounds crept back on.....probably mostly in the form of muscle but I noticed some little jiggly bits come back on the hips and thighs.....anyway....I won't give up......add me as a friend if you like and i'll share any advice I can....
    It's just so frustrating isn't it?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    -Set your goal to lose 0.5lbs/week (too large of a deficit, a larger % of your weight loss will come from muscle) You can do cardio if you wish, or just get your deficit from diet alone, cardio will allow you to eat more, may help with adherence if hungry often
    -Weigh solid foods and measure liquids (make sure you are eating what you think you are)
    -Get adequate protein intake (enough protein will help you maintain lean muscle while losing fat), Aim for a minimum of 0.8 grams per lb of goal weight, if you know your BF% 1 gram per lb of LBM but the goal weight calc should be close, and def. adequate.
    -Take part in a progressive lifting strength training routine (help you maintain lean muscle while losing fat), and
    -give it time
    My goal is set for .5/week, though the scale doesn't agree with that setting. ;) I know I do have a problem getting all my protein in....Especially when I exercise!
    I'm just tired of giving it time.... :wink:

    Do you weigh and measure your food?

    Is so and still not losing your maintenance may be lower than MFP calculates, if that is the case, drop 100 cals/day and try that intake for 3-4 weeks.
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    -Set your goal to lose 0.5lbs/week (too large of a deficit, a larger % of your weight loss will come from muscle) You can do cardio if you wish, or just get your deficit from diet alone, cardio will allow you to eat more, may help with adherence if hungry often
    -Weigh solid foods and measure liquids (make sure you are eating what you think you are)
    -Get adequate protein intake (enough protein will help you maintain lean muscle while losing fat), Aim for a minimum of 0.8 grams per lb of goal weight, if you know your BF% 1 gram per lb of LBM but the goal weight calc should be close, and def. adequate.
    -Take part in a progressive lifting strength training routine (help you maintain lean muscle while losing fat), and
    -give it time
    My goal is set for .5/week, though the scale doesn't agree with that setting. ;) I know I do have a problem getting all my protein in....Especially when I exercise!
    I'm just tired of giving it time.... :wink:

    Do you weigh and measure your food?

    Is so and still not losing your maintenance may be lower than MFP calculates, if that is the case, drop 100 cals/day and try that intake for 3-4 weeks.
    I weigh most bread or lunch meat I don't weigh, even my wine goes in a measuring cup first. Lol
  • muaythaijunkie
    muaythaijunkie Posts: 17 Member
    I am in line with all of you, as I have about 10-15 pounds to lose. I just joined MFP to help me with my calories, as I never really counted or monitored what I ate. So far I am down 3 lbs but nothing lost this week (had a bad weekend), I find that most of it is not your calories but your workouts. I find you have to change up your workout or push yourself beyond where you currently were to see the results you once had. Your body plateaus on the workout, so you have to change it up slightly and push yourself harder to see changes. Personally, I have been starting to do double workouts (hour at lunch and 30 minutes just before dinner) to keep my body moving to see results. Hopefully, that helps you out. Feel free to add me as a friend so I can help if required.
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    I know this is a contrarian point of view, but consider whether your goal weight is appropriate in the first place. I, of course, don't know how you arrived at that number but if it was some arbitrary weight that you used to weigh years ago, maybe it's not the right weight for you now.
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    Have you checked out your BMR/TDEE? Try

    It took me a year to lose 40lbs with plenty of ups and downs. The last 10 lbs are always the hardest. I've now been on maintenance for a year. It's not easy but I make sure I log all my meals, I'm good 85% of the time and at other times I enjoy myself. I have never denied myself any foods, I just am mindful of the portion size.
    I don't deny foods either, I know I wouldn't be able to stick with this if I did. I just checked my TDEE on fitness frog...It says 1885...Now what does this mean again?? I need to eat that or eat less than that to lose?
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    Yes!!!! The last 10 seem to be the worst
  • popshoveit
    Yep! I have about 7 more pounds I would like to drop and the scale is starting to stall. That's just the way it goes, because the first part of my weight loss was fairly easy and the weight was dropping quickly. I just need to up my calories a tiny bit (which feels so wrong!) and get some exercise. I've been eating really well but not exercising for days due to being sick (and being at home with sick 2 year old instead of being at the gym right now) so I'm going to work out at home tonight.
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    I know this is a contrarian point of view, but consider whether your goal weight is appropriate in the first place. I, of course, don't know how you arrived at that number but if it was some arbitrary weight that you used to weigh years ago, maybe it's not the right weight for you now.
    It's the middle of the healthy weight range for my height. I was at this weight only 2 1/2 years ago, (I let stress take over my body.) and I wasn't too is a good weight to be, and it would be so awesome to see that number again.