My Weight Loss has hit a Plateau

Help! i've been doing this for about 2 months now and I have lost 10 pounds however it has stopped and I still have plenty to go. I normally eat about 1300-1450 calories a day and MFP is set to 1280. I am also running about 3 miles every other day. Am I suppose to eat my calories back from running? What about fitbit calories? Does anyone have any advice on how to get my weight loss to continue?



  • chargraves
    chargraves Posts: 65 Member
    For others to provide assistance, you will need to share more info like your height, weight, whether you are you weighing and logging *all* your food, and how long your weight loss has "stopped".
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    1300-1450 calories/day is probably a decent calorie range. Although, it is always better to eat as much as you can while still losing weight/body fat. I never eat my calories back from working out. I hit my 1800-2000 calorie/day goal and push hard in my workouts. Instead of running, perhaps try some high intensity sprints. High intensity cardio is so much better for weight loss than low intensity varieties, and it doesn't take as long.

    Hopefully this is helpful. I'd be happy to chat with you more about it too.

  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    You might be eating too much. Or you might have too much of a deficit. Post some more info. Do you know your BMR and TDEE? This calculator can give you an estimate

    Do you weigh ALL of your food?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    MFP has a Fitbit Users group:

    Connect your accounts at Do not log any step-based activity—including running. Log non-step workouts either in Fitbit or in MFP. (I find Fitbit's burns to be way more accurate.) Your Fitbit burn is your TDEE. (No one-size-fits-all online calculator needed.)

    When you set up your MFP account, you specified an activity level: MFP used your answer, plus your age, sex & height, to estimate how many calories you burn every day (not including exercise). Then you set your weight-loss goal, and MFP subtracted the appropriate deficit to calculate your daily calorie goal.

    Once you link an activity tracker to your MFP account (via the "Apps" tab at the top of every page), you start getting calorie adjustments. If your tracker says you burned more calories than MFP estimated, you get a positive adjustment (meaning more calories to eat). If you enable negative calorie adjustments and you burn less than the MFP estimate, you will lose calories. (But negative calorie adjustments will never drop your daily calories below 1,200.)
  • ems1982
    ems1982 Posts: 3
    What's a TDEE? My weight loss has just stopped within the past 2 weeks. My past 2 weigh in's have been the exact same. What are the negative calories? How do I enable that on MFP? I have MFP set to lose 1.5 per week with lightly active activity level- I'm a teacher so I'm on my feet and moving most of my day. My exercise goal is 3 times a week and MFP said 1280 calories a day.

    Do I need to track my runs in MFP or just let Fitbit calculate it?

    I do log all my food in MFP and exercise in MFP. It is synced to Fitbit.

    I'm 5'2" and 171 and that's where I have stopped for the past weeks!

    Thanks for all the help and support.

    My eating still isn't always the best however I do normally stay in my calorie range. My friend on this said to go out one night and just eat and not worry and then get back on the calorie count. Anyone else do this?

    I do try to run 3 times a week and go to trampoline aerobics once a week for an hour.

    Any more advice would be great!

    Thanks everyone!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    What's a TDEE?
    Total daily energy expenditure. Your Fitbit calorie burn is your maintenance calories. If you eat your Fitbit burn, your weight will stay the same. If you eat a reasonable deficit less than your TDEE, you will lose weight.
    My weight loss has just stopped within the past 2 weeks. My past 2 weigh in's have been the exact same.
    Weight loss is not linear. Weight fluctuates day to day & throughout the day. Don't panic.
    What are the negative calories? How do I enable that on MFP?
    If you burn fewer calories than the activity level you chose, then you lose calories—but never below 1,200.
    Do I need to track my runs in MFP or just let Fitbit calculate it?
    Do not log any step-based activity—which includes running.
    I do log all my food in MFP and exercise in MFP. It is synced to Fitbit.
    I log non-step exercise in Fitbit. The burns are based on your step data, and way more accurate than MFP's one-size-fits-all guesstimates.