6 weeks, 21 pounds!



  • That i wonderful! Keep up the good work!
  • McKenzieLeigh
    McKenzieLeigh Posts: 113 Member
    Great job! I am getting close to that myself!
    Take some photos if you haven't yet. I did this morning and I was blown away at the difference 15 pounds made. I didn't think it was that significant! You will love it!
  • Great job!!!
  • janeytom
    janeytom Posts: 72 Member
    wow awesome:) I have to loose at least 20 -25 pds in 8 weeks. I am in a challenge at work. Whats your secret?
    No secret, really. But, if you want to know what I do....

    I weigh/measure/log EVERY single thing that goes in my mouth. It is amazing what makes a "serving" size! I don't have a "cheat day", but I do fit a candy bar into my day occasionally :-D A single Tic Tac has 10 calories. A handful???

    I drink water. Lots of water.

    And I move. I have a bad hip (sorry if you've heard this before), and it was agony to walk any more than 2-3 minutes. But I did it- it was a start.
    And then, as I shopped, I noticed that the hip wasn't screaming at me. AHA! The carriage!
    So now, I go every day and do laps around the grocery store, Homegoods, Lowes...up and down the aisles. No shopping until I'm done...sometimes no shopping at all. The cart gives me security, and I tell you, I fly. If they let me jog, I would, but I do walk incredibly fast. I could barely walk 6 weeks ago.

    I just came back from 20 minutes at Market Basket- 11 of them were aerobic, according to fitbit. I had to stop because the place was getting too crowded. I'll go to Lowes in a while and do another 20-40.

    And, I bought myself some weights. My granddaughters come here after school, so we lift together! I started being able to do a few (OMG 5 lbs. is heavy!), and didn't give up. Now I can do 3 sets of 10 reps each. Grammy's getting some guns LOL!
    I've spent the last few days chipping away at 4-5" thick ice in my driveway with one of those forged metal thingies. I shoveled a lot of the broken ice away, but the big pieces- I just picked them up (heavy!) and tossed them into the woods. Practicing for the shotput in the Olympics.
    We buy bottled water by the case. I no longer ask DH to carry it in. I do it myself, doing arm presses with them as I walk inside with each of them.
    My 3 little dogs need to go out every 2 hours. I let them out, and as I wait, I speedwalk around my house, with my weights, doing arm lifts.
    I hope you get the idea. You don't have to join a gym, You don't have to eat special food. But you do have to start.

    Thank you all for your kind words. If grammy can do it, YOU can do it!

    Oh, and I did take pictures. I need to again, because I seem to be missing one of my chins LOL!
  • tiggsnanny
    tiggsnanny Posts: 366 Member
    Well done, keep up the good work :smile:
  • redwoodkestrel
    redwoodkestrel Posts: 339 Member
    Congrats! Happy to have you as one of my friends here - love all your inspirational posts and notes and cheers! :happy:
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    IIIIISerenityNowIIIII Posts: 425 Member
    Add me if you'd like. I'm about the same loss as you. My loss is 21 pounds and today is my 45th day on MFP.
  • ldarlener
    ldarlener Posts: 79 Member
    WAY TO GO. Keep up the good work.
  • ghafer
    ghafer Posts: 20 Member
    Very inspirational! I have been procastinating for so long! Start. Backslid. Cheat. Give up. Regain. This is it! Going to suceed this time! Small goals at first, log everday, everything. Move everyday, dismal weather or not! Drink water. Weigh everything. Get mindset ready...will not weigh for at least one week.
    Quit smoking cold turkey three and a half years ago. So I KNOW I can accomplish lifestyle change sucessfully! Mindset and short term goals...one step, one day at a time!
  • grillnchill
    grillnchill Posts: 772 Member
    Wonderful achievement! Keep up the excellent work. :)
  • austinsneeze
    austinsneeze Posts: 220 Member
    How awesome!! Congrats!
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    Great progress!
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