Anti - Exercise Low Carbers?

I've been reading up on low carb dieting - I've done it before without the internet influence, but I wanted to make another go at it since it tends to kill my sweet tooth, which has been out of control lately.

This time around I've been reading forum after forum about low carb, and eventually started seeing a trend of how people would stall and instead of fellow low carbers saying to examine their diet, they told the person to STOP working out! o_O Note: The stalls were never serious - only a few weeks usually, but that seemed to be one of the things attacked as a reason for the stall - and that to me seems a bit backwards. If you are following say... the Atkins approach, he certainly says to workout, even to the point of saying that if you are not, then you are not following the Atkins diet properly (it seems that a lot of folks claim that they follow Atkins, but never read the book, and buy into those Frankenfoods that Atkins himself didn't endorse when he was alive). Workouts help with long term maintanence and it would make since to me that if your body is burning fat for energy, and you are making an effort to use more energy stores for things like weight training, cardio, and other activities then you would see a quicker rate of fat loss, right?

I want to explore low carb again - not for accelerated weight loss, because the scale is rarely my friend, but for what it does to my cravings. I don't usually suffer a LC flu or weakness and plan on easily sticking to 20-40 carbs daily (except for tomorrow - that's my birthday LoL!) I workout 3-4 times a week now doing full body weight training on Monday with 1/2 hour of spin class, Thursday is kickboxing and it is very phyiscal with lots of body weight movements and cardio, then Saturday is Spinning usually or hiking. I enjoy those things, but I'd hate to lower my carbs, and then start to gain weight which is what some of the forums are saying, and that doesn't seem right at all!

What's your experience?

Also, I'm very aware that you can do just fine with your everything in moderation diets, which seems to be a common reaction when asking about a specific diet on MFP - but again, I'm just getting my cravings under control - I'm not out to live off pounds of bacon (although I could) or seeking some sort of quick fix.