nrolfw or nrol supercharged and universal gym


I know that these are popular books. I wanted to order one of them, and was wondering what you would recommend - is there a big difference between the books?

Also, I have a (good) universal gym at home, and don't have the room to accomodate more items, like benches and the like. I know that there is an emphasis on free weights - is it easy to adapt these exercises to the universal gym?

Thanks in advance!


  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    You are correct, the NROL4W books focus on free weights and likely are not adaptable to your system. Your instruction manual (or manuf. website) should provide you with exercises you can do.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    get one of the NROL books. you won't be able to do much of the routine but reading the what, how, and why of a strength training program will be very beneficial to your goals
  • jussy123
    jussy123 Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you very much for your help! I have downloaded the series of workouts for my gym, and have been doing them the last 3 weeks. I wanted to get more background on how many reps I should do and diet information etc. I have looked around on the internet a lot, but would like a book to read through as well.

    My background: I am 36, 5'8" and about 130-132 lb. I have a 3 yr old and a 2 yr old. I run 5k 3x a week, but I am looking to gain strength.

    Last q: Is the women-specific book better to get than the other one?
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    I picked up both - one for me and one for my wife. I have read both cover to cover. They are sufficiently different that I think it would be worth you getting the NROL4W. The woman's book is actually a more complete book.

    However - I'm not sure if the exercises are translatable to a "universal gym". One of the author's caveats is "Stay away from the machines!" Not sure whether your set up qualifies as a machine.
  • jussy123
    jussy123 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks! I will order NROLFW.

    I know it would have been better to use free weights, but this is what I have.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    I hear ya - might as well make do with what you already have if you can. I was using dumbbells before picking up the book. I've sinced bought a bar and 4 X 10lb weights to supplement what I had for the barbells - as I progress I'll buy more. to mix and match.