Back on the diet, in need of support!

Last summer I decided to start my diet I weight 9st 6lbs and had a pudgy belly that I was in desperate need of losing, well I started with changing my eating habits, then working out using the Your Shape Evolution for xbox 360 I went down to 8st 8lbs pretty quick I'd say with in a month a half then another couple of week's later I got down to 8st 1lbs when christmas came I was still trying to watch what I was eating. January hit and I weighted myself I was 8st 3lbs I'd only put on 2lbs over christmas and with that I got lazy .... So half way through Febuary I kicked myself up the bottom and started eating better watching my calories etc I also started to workout again getting a new workout game Nike+ after two week's I weighted myself again and I've now gone up 8st 5lbs .... my other half told me it's the muscle that's toning .... but I'm just losing confidence now in losing the rest that I need to lose and the will power to even work out :(
A lot of friend's do different diet's so they have different groups of people to support and talk to etc I need a little friend who's in the same situation if you like!

Either way I'm telling myself not to give up and really push myself into getting my summer body I want I'd just like to be able to a group of people to support each other if you like :)