
sewcute Posts: 31 Member
I am looking for some help with juicing. Now I am not juicing as a replacement for meals. I am juicing so that I may start getting in more servings of fruits and vegetables. (I do not care for many fruits, but do not mind them juiced). One thing I have read is that when you juice you should drink it right away.

I guess how big of a deal is it if I juice it at night but drink it for breakfast? (I am NOT a morning person, so juicing in the am is not really an option).

Also how do you track juicing?

Thank you!


  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Do you mean "juicing" where all the fiber is taken out of your fruits and veg or "blending" where you keep the fiber? Big difference. I blend, don't juice. And you have to track it. If you are blending a half of an apple and 4 strawberries, it counts. YOu have to add it.
  • sewcute
    sewcute Posts: 31 Member
    sorry for the late reply!! I juice not blend. (I don't have a blender that will do that!)
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I make a green juice each morning - I enter each ingredient as if I were eating it whole. Juicing and blending serve two different purposes for me, but in the end I count the calories the same.

    ETA: I drink mine immediately, but I have read that it shouldn't be kept for too long. Try using an airtight container and filling it to the top, so less air gets in. Also, making a juice in the morning is an option, you just need to decide what you want more.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    juice will keep in the fridge, or even freeze. Probably loses a bit of something but overnight is hard to tell the difference.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I am looking for some help with juicing. Now I am not juicing as a replacement for meals. I am juicing so that I may start getting in more servings of fruits and vegetables. (I do not care for many fruits, but do not mind them juiced). One thing I have read is that when you juice you should drink it right away.

    I guess how big of a deal is it if I juice it at night but drink it for breakfast? (I am NOT a morning person, so juicing in the am is not really an option).

    Also how do you track juicing?

    Thank you!

    I'm not sure why you'd have to drink it right away. You can get juice from the store and not have to drink it right away (i.e. Orange juice, Naked/Odwalla juices, etc).

    As for tracking juice - you'd just weigh and record all the fruits/vegetables you used and the amount. You can use the recipe option on MFP if you end up making a large batch and breaking it up during the next day or two. If that's the case, I'd weigh out the whole thing after and then count your servings as per ounce or gram.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I am looking for some help with juicing. Now I am not juicing as a replacement for meals. I am juicing so that I may start getting in more servings of fruits and vegetables. (I do not care for many fruits, but do not mind them juiced). One thing I have read is that when you juice you should drink it right away.

    I guess how big of a deal is it if I juice it at night but drink it for breakfast? (I am NOT a morning person, so juicing in the am is not really an option).

    Also how do you track juicing?

    Thank you!

    I'm not sure why you'd have to drink it right away. You can get juice from the store and not have to drink it right away (i.e. Orange juice, Naked/Odwalla juices, etc).

    As for tracking juice - you'd just weigh and record all the fruits/vegetables you used and the amount. You can use the recipe option on MFP if you end up making a large batch and breaking it up during the next day or two. If that's the case, I'd weigh out the whole thing after and then count your servings as per ounce or gram.

    Juice you buy from a store has been pasteurized. When I buy juice from a juice bar, it has a label that says it will only last 3 days due to bacteria.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I am looking for some help with juicing. Now I am not juicing as a replacement for meals. I am juicing so that I may start getting in more servings of fruits and vegetables. (I do not care for many fruits, but do not mind them juiced). One thing I have read is that when you juice you should drink it right away.

    I guess how big of a deal is it if I juice it at night but drink it for breakfast? (I am NOT a morning person, so juicing in the am is not really an option).

    Also how do you track juicing?

    Thank you!

    I'm not sure why you'd have to drink it right away. You can get juice from the store and not have to drink it right away (i.e. Orange juice, Naked/Odwalla juices, etc).

    As for tracking juice - you'd just weigh and record all the fruits/vegetables you used and the amount. You can use the recipe option on MFP if you end up making a large batch and breaking it up during the next day or two. If that's the case, I'd weigh out the whole thing after and then count your servings as per ounce or gram.

    Juice you buy from a store has been pasteurized. When I buy juice from a juice bar, it has a label that says it will only last 3 days due to bacteria.

    Understood but maybe I am misunderstanding the statement of "drinking quickly". I was assuming they meant right away after making (like within a couple hours).
  • sewcute
    sewcute Posts: 31 Member
    mornings are NOT an option for me. I am NOT a morning person. I get out of bed at 6 am and am at work by 6:30 with a 5 minute drive to work. I eat breakfast at work.

    I didn't think about freezing it! I shall try that!

    Thank you all for your help!
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    I keep juice in my fridge for about 5 days or so. I can't get up in the morning and make juice and wash my juicer AND get to work on time. I often add a little splash of lemon juice (or add a wedge of lemon to the juicer) to help preserve it a bit.

    There are some veggies I just can't stand unless they are in juice - carrots or beets are two big ones. No way would I blend a beet. ~gag~ All that beet pulp. :sick: I can juice them with some other veggies and the juice comes out amazing!