Strange Problem

I have been doing quite well on my diet lately, and have been drinking plenty of fluids.

In the past few days, though, I have noticed a wierd problem. My mouth has been horribly dry. I have never had a problem like this before, and I cannot seem to make it go away no matter how much water I drink.

Has anyone else had this problem? I am not sure it is diet related, but since my diet has changed I thought it might be.


  • VCStarr
    VCStarr Posts: 155
    I had that for a few days. I would just drink more and more water. after a couple of days it passed.
  • Luckymam
    I had that for a few days. I would just drink more and more water. after a couple of days it passed.

    Ditto. Dunno what it is but it happens to me at times too.
  • billgiersberg
    This web page might give you some insight into dry mouth (also known as xerostomia) and changes to your diet. I found it by doing a Google search for "diet and dry mouth."

    Apparently dry mouth can be caused by essential fatty acid and nutritional deficiencies. Don't read too much into the findings here. The symptoms may not apply to you so ignore this if it does not fit or ask your doctor about the findings.
  • Hockey_Mom
    Oh my goodness...thank you all so much! I had no idea that this could happen! I was hoping it wasn't anything too is good to know I'm not the only one! And I will definitely check out the website! Thanks again!