Sucralose aka Splenda

I used to be addicted to diet coke in my teens. I would drink a lot of it and I slowed down over the past 5 years and eventually quit altogether more than a year ago mainly because it was giving me cavities all the time and also because of the news that it's horrible for you. So anyway, that being said, I've been working out continuously for the past year and eating clean. I've been stuck at a plateau for the past 3 months just about so my husband and I decided to get some protein powders to start drinking to see if we could build more muscle aka burn more fat. Well, my husband has been fine but I've switched back and forth through a couple different brands and they have just been making me feel so ill! The ones with "sucralose" in the ingredients seem to be the only ones that make me ill (headache, nausea, vomitting). Everytime I buy a protein powder I just up the reviews and they're almost always 4.5/5 stars so I think oh great! but then none of the reviews ever mention things about getting sick from it. Am I the only one who Splenda/ Sucralose is screwing over? Maybe my body just can't handle that crap anymore? I also looked up other potential probs with protein powders and heard that many contain toxic heavy metals! AHHH... so much for protein powders I guess... I just like the taste of them and they fill me up.. :( probably another thing that I have to give up.. unless I can find one that doesn't make me feel like a pile of garbage.


  • michael300891
    If your using well-known brands you wont have a problem with heavy metal contamination, and protein powders are generally very useful if they fit your goals - but also not necessary in anyway and goals can be met with normal dietary intake.

    As for the sucralose unfortunately I can't be of much help with explaining that one.

    Cheers, Mike.
  • taekwondo_bitch
    taekwondo_bitch Posts: 158 Member
    I will say that my mother has a teaspoon of Splenda in her coffee every morning and finds it very difficult to lose weight. Our bodies aren't used to it and don't know how to metabolise it. You're better off just eating sugar in smaller quantities.
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    I have no issues at all with Splenda. I'm not great at processing sugar... as it makes me tired. Diet coke is way worse for you than Splenda. Maybe you simply have an intolerance for it. Don't use it... find something else. Stevia, palm sugar. Lots of non-chemical choices.