Red Meat??

I try to stay down to 1200 calories a day and I eat very low carb and low fat. So I was wondering is okay to indulge in a little red meat? I know its higher in fat content than things like chicken, but will it really hurt my diet? I still stay low cal and low fat percentage when I eat it so does it really matter?


  • olletho
    olletho Posts: 20 Member
    Frankly I'm not happy without a bit of red meat now and then... however I'm chronically low in iron and not only is it high in iron it helps iron uptake generally.

    And even if that is just an excuse I'll take it, all things in moderation (including occasionally moderation).
  • maryjanexo
    I would say every once in a while is fine. It's great for protein and iron content, just don't do it a lot. I mostly replace ground turkey for ground beef but when I'm craving a juicy steak I usually go for it. Once or twice a month :)
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    Why 1200 cals?

    Why low fat?

    Fat is not bad. Fat will not make you fat.

    Red meat is awesome.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    All foods are fine in moderation. Enjoy some red meat.
  • michael300891
    Why 1200 cals?

    Why low fat?

    Fat is not bad. Fat will not make you fat.

    Red meat is awesome.

    This in particular the last two lines
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I try to stay down to 1200 calories a day and I eat very low carb and low fat. So I was wondering is okay to indulge in a little red meat? I know its higher in fat content than things like chicken, but will it really hurt my diet? I still stay low cal and low fat percentage when I eat it so does it really matter?
    Moderation is the key. Nope, despite what some of the more extreme folks may say here there's no reason you can't get in a little bit of cow flesh here and there. Enjoy.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    I deny myself nothing and have consistently lost 1+ lbs. per week. it is all about calories in vs. calories burned.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    So you're substantially restricting two macro-nutrients? I would advise against doing low carb AND low fat in combination...I would advise against low fat in general. Furthermore, red meat is just fine.
  • flsunshine
    flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
    one has to eat a steak now and again--- when you deny yourself food you love you will fail period
    i eat a steak maybe once a month- nothing taste better than a semi cooked piece of meat dripping with blood hot from the grill complete with baked potatoes talk about heaven sigh
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    So you're substantially restricting two macro-nutrients? I would advise against doing low carb AND low fat in combination...I would advise against low fat in general. Furthermore, red meat is just fine.

    ^^^^This guy knows what he's talking about.
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    :huh: I eat red meat almost every day and am losing. I'm also not low anything. I just eat and try and hit my macro goals without restricting anything.
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    ...everything as part of a balanced diet. Consider this - red meat was integrated into our diet 000's of years ago, it is one of the major reasons that human beings have developed the capacity for great intelligence (brains use alot of energy!). Build it in as part of your diet plan - don't deprive yourself of a good steak, unless you are buying very average cuts the amount of fat is fine and is perfectly "healthy" - just watch if you are cooking in sauces / fats that add additional to the meat itself.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    This reminds me, I need to pick up some steaks this week...
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Nothing wrong with red meat.
  • autumnsquirrel
    autumnsquirrel Posts: 258 Member
    I try to stay down to 1200 calories a day and I eat very low carb and low fat. So I was wondering is okay to indulge in a little red meat? I know its higher in fat content than things like chicken, but will it really hurt my diet? I still stay low cal and low fat percentage when I eat it so does it really matter?
    A little bit won't hurt, especially if it is lean beef. You are getting your protein.
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    Have you tried Bison? Is tastes like beef but is lower in fat and calories than even chicken.
  • autumnsquirrel
    autumnsquirrel Posts: 258 Member
    So you're substantially restricting two macro-nutrients? I would advise against doing low carb AND low fat in combination...I would advise against low fat in general. Furthermore, red meat is just fine.
    Agreed!!!!! What you have said regarding low fat is just what my Endo told me, but.....he told me that I have to go low carb to drop the rest of the weight. Eating good fats is fine, red meat and poultry are fine-the bod needs iron and protein.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    I would say every once in a while is fine. It's great for protein and iron content, just don't do it a lot. I mostly replace ground turkey for ground beef but when I'm craving a juicy steak I usually go for it. Once or twice a month :)
    Any particular reason to restrict it to "once or twice a month" from a nutrition standpoint?
  • LazyBearGrrr
    LazyBearGrrr Posts: 35 Member
    Red meat is good!
    Saturated fat is very healthy.
    Eat it every day if you want.
  • jeffmehl
    jeffmehl Posts: 1 Member
    Lean red meat is great for you! It might depend on exactly what your goals are as to how often you should consume it. I can personally say that when I am trying to gain muscle mass I make my best gains while eating red meat a few times per week. Make sure that you stay within your protein macros and eat the lean cuts of beef, elk, deer etc. Even if you are trying to drop weight you can still enjoy red meat, again make sure it's a good lean cut and trim it too if needed and make it fit into your macros. Enjoy!