looking for semi-clean eating buds

Hey all! Looking for friends!

I'm a female, 25, 5'4" and 120 lbs. My goals in starting a serious food diary are to moderate my portions, eat healthier and maybe, just maybe... lose a few pounds. It's not really a priority, though.

I try to eat local organic goods as much as possible (I get my groceries delivered from a farm-share type program), so I eat pretty decently.... but I do eat junk now and then. Oops. You'll definitely see a lot of wine in my diary. Maybe a little bit of fast food now and then. I think the two actually correlate, since I'll usually heal a hangover with Taco Bell...

But seriously, I try to aim for a mainly unprocessed diet with a concentration on quality. I appreciate the tastes and benefits of full fat foods and getting my carbs from fruits and veg. I don't exersize much outside of yoga and stretching, so that's definitely something I could improve on.

So... be my friend! Also, please note that I didn't start seriously recording until today, so my journal isn't much to look at.