disusted with myself.



  • katxena
    You can be disgusted with yourself, but for only 10 minutes, then its time to get to work.

    I love this advice. I saw a therapist many years ago who told me this -- that I could feel anything I wanted for for 10 minutes, then I needed to turn to something else. The point is that you feel the way you feel, and that's ok. You can knowledge and respect those feelings, but then you need to keep your eyes on the prize.

    It's amazing how many situations this advice comes in handy.
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    Don't let this get you down! Focus on your good qualities. Do you have pretty eyes? Kind Heart? Smart as ever? Great Mom and or wife. We all have to start somewhere and you need to focus on what you can do today. You may not be where you want to be but your on the right path! You can do it -I'm sure you are an amazing woman - focuss on that. :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    Remember that show 'How to Look Better Naked' where he made them stand in front of the mirror in bra and panties? But he asked them, with all the faults you perceive, what do you LIKE about your body? And they grudgingly had to acknowledge a few!

    I have muscles in my calves that could cut diamonds. (I'm a tubby runner!)
    Even tho I'm heavy, my clavicles occasionally show!
    I have devastating eyes.
    I don't tan, so my skin is white and soft.

  • Send hugs your way. I know how you feel, probably many of us have felt that way or we wouldn't be here. Not sure if this will help, but I had that moment of disgust with myself right before I started following this plan, I have been working on redirecting that energy to making the change I want to see in myself. For me feeling accountable for the reflection I see in the mirror (or the image in the photograph) has been extremely empowering.

    From what I have seen online, you are truly beautiful inside and out.

  • JustBeckyV
    Its hard when you hit that realization but you did and that's what is important. I do believe for some of us we have to hit a rock bottom of sorts to change our lives. Maybe not to the extreme as a drug addict but that thing that makes it go ENOUGH and it's time to change!! Good for you for finding that and making those changes in your life to make it better!!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I am sorry you saw yourself that way. Please go back, put a smile on your face and try to see what other people see that love you. The physical is just a season you are passing through. You had been feeling great because you have focused on your potential, your ability to return to a healthy state with less aches and pain. See yourself for the motivated, dedicated powerful individual you are and make peace with the image in the mirror. Remember there are lots of skinny folk that can't bear to self examine either. And when you see an old person do you feel disgust or a respect for the life they have lived. Our reflection is always going to change, love it with the same compassion you show others.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I agree with taking a picture now and hiding it...i have recently been devistated! I have been eating healthy and going to the gym very regularily for the last two months, and i have gained 5 lbs...it's disheartening to know that i'm not getting quick results, i mean i work my *kitten* off! but then i realize (with the help of people on here) that i've just started my journey...i want smaller sooner not larger later, but unfortunetly you won't notice any difference when you look in the mirror today or six months from now. Other people will comment on how your double chin doesn't seem so prominant, or "geez you look good, is eating cheating?" but you won't notice a difference. Give it a minute, you will...with our help and motivation, you will be happy, healthy, strong and confident.
  • Ashykins
    You can be disgusted with yourself, but for only 10 minutes, then its time to get to work.

    I love this advice. I saw a therapist many years ago who told me this -- that I could feel anything I wanted for for 10 minutes, then I needed to turn to something else. The point is that you feel the way you feel, and that's ok. You can knowledge and respect those feelings, but then you need to keep your eyes on the prize.

    It's amazing how many situations this advice comes in handy.

    I am stealing this!

    I've felt the same way for awhile, I realize now that I am changing my body is changing everyday, and I will see all my hard work soon, these days go by so fast that before you know it, you'll be at your goal! We are like wine, we get better with time!
  • 2hdesign
    For me, I've only lost 10lbs/2 inches in about 4 months (because exercise only... I'm just now starting to tackel the food issue). Looking in the mirror was really hard (and still is), but I simply try and find something I like and then move on. The key is NOT to dwell on the negative. Something that also helped was seeing that firs 1/4 inch come off on the tape measure, even though I looked the same in the mirror. Now I'm still big, but my calf muscles are defined and I'm starting to get some definition on my upper arms... it's encouraging. Find ways to think postively and stick with it because it is SO worth it!
  • countdowntotarget
    countdowntotarget Posts: 108 Member
    by the sounds of what Ive read we are all in the same boat - we all have good days bad days on everything for me I always put it down to my weight - didnt get the job/ man etc because of my weight ......... but you have to turn it into a positive and it is SO hard sometimes..... I put the weight on when I had the kids .... but your body was AMAZING enough to produce the kids.....and the stretch marks? OK are not the most attractive things to look at but look at what they represent ( preferably not when the kids are having a tantrum !! lol ) I am the worst person for putting myself down but I really do try and snap myself out of it most of the times I can, but sometimes I cant and thats natural, you wouldnt be normal if you were upbeat and positive ALL the time accept the emotion, deal with it at that time and move on as quickly as you can... sorry if this rambles WE ARE ALL GREAT, WE ARE ALL HERE........WE ARE ALL HERE TO SUPPORT EACH OTHER ........Doesnt that mean something ???
  • Annetted
    Annetted Posts: 5 Member
    I was thinking back to when I was 30 and weighed 130 lbs and wore a size 10. I even thought I was fat then. Geeze, what was I thinking! I wasted so much of my energy being unhappy with myself! Now at 57 I and 166 lbs I am happier with myself but know that I need to lose that weight to be healthier and stronger. As I've been losing weight --slowloy and getting more fit I can feel the changes inside. My determination, my motivation, my energy are bursting! My advice, avoid that mirror and say nice things to yourself. Avoid all that negative self-talk. You'd be surprised at what you are actually saying to yourself. You wouldn't say that junk to someone else so be kind and encouraging. Congratulate yourself when you see the scale move or you walk around the block without huffing and puffing. Keep going, You can do this...don't give up.
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    Don't worry hun - just tell yourself this is as bad as it'll get - your starting point, it'll only get better from now on and you won't see that person again. Now put that mirror away for at least 4 weeks! Good luck x