Back at it and could use more support friends

Hi! I started using MFP back in 2011 and lost about 27 pounds. Unfortunately I never came close to my goals and have gained about 8 pounds back. I have cleared out my cabinets and refrigerator and replaced everything with healthy food items. I am now recommitted to not just reaching my goals but making healthy eating and exercise a part of my daily life. If interested please add me as a friend. I don't care how old you are or what you look like, a friend is a friend!


  • ShayShayFletch
    ShayShayFletch Posts: 89 Member
    Welcome back! :) Good luck
  • Thisiswhatido
    Best of luck. Being healthy is a hard goal. Try to break it down into smaller steps, and don't beat yourself up when you take a slip. Every time you try again, you start ahead of where you did the first time whether it's physically or mentally.
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 886 Member
    Welcome back Scott! Last year was a down year for me too. I am starting to get a little better this year. Not, completely there, but working on it.
  • idnac74
    idnac74 Posts: 71
    Hi , request sent. Friends are great to have especially to offer encouragement and support :)