Bulk review



  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    You're young and growing still, I wouldn't stress too much about it.

    I would up your protein, add some ice cream, and try not to worry about doing a "clean" bulk. I'm 5"9, 175#, and if I don't hit at least 3500 cals/day or more, the scale ain't moving.

    Eat , lift big and eat some more!!

    interesting. I am 6'4 and eating almost the same amount + burned cal from cardio. how much do you gain a week?

    I've gained a couple of lbs in the last few months, the first month, I was losing weight at 3000cals/day. In my opinion, I was underestimating my cals burned during strength training, and going for a "clean" bulk was my downfall.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    McDonalds milkshakes.

    McDonalds is junk.

    Wendy's is where it's at. :wink:
    Wendy's milkshakes are junk, McDonalds are better