Should I eat more calories to break my plateau?

Hi Guys.

I'm trying to break another plateau. I been in the 170's since last year and my weight has gone up and down. I workout 5 days a week (Mon.-Fri.) and I burn around 375-482 calories. I want to break my plateau and I think I know the source(s) of my plateau. I been eating out a little too much within the past few weeks (at least once to twice a week). Also, I don't think I am eating enough calories. MFP has my goal set at 2040 calories and here is my last five caloric intakes.

1435 cal. (today)
1831 cal. (Sat.)
1777 cal. (Fri.)
1630 cal. (Thurs.)
1629 cal. (Weds.)

I changed my eating patterns up a bit. I now eat immediately after my morning workouts and during my morning classes because it is a long time between breakfast at 6:30 am to lunch at 12:00 pm or 1:00 pm. School nights I don't eat a bedtime snack because I have to get up early the next morning.

I want honest opinions from each and every one of you guys. Thanks for listening!


  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    I have broken plateaus by eating big. I have no idea how it works but it has for me.
  • cns94
    cns94 Posts: 165 Member
    Sometimes when I hit a plateau I'll eat higher for like 4 days then drop down to a lower intake (like 900 or 1,000 but ONLY for one day then return back to my normal caloric intake). This always seemed to work for me, it must help to re-boost the metabolism or something because I always got over the hump that way. Even after months and months within a week or two I see results again.
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    This has a good part on breaking a "plateau."