Wish to lose 26 kg (57lbs) and would love some help.

Currently, I weigh 86.6 kg (190.92 lbs) as my scale read last night. I wish to lose at least around 26 kg (57 lbs) within 5 months. From now (March) to July or midway August. I would love to hear from others who have lost similar amounts and in similar time. I would love to hear how you have done it and if someone would be kind enough, could you help me through the whole process. Tell me tips, and guidelines about effective weight loss and how should I eat.

I exercise everyday. I have so far started with 30 mins of jogging just to break my laziness, and gradually but soon enough, I will step up my pace. I will start doing push ups, sit ups, get more and more active. I also plan on doing Insanity (by Shaun T and Beach Body I believe?) and I plan on running a lot on my thread mill in order to increase my stamina and lose weight as well.

I don't eat so much, I try eat very little because I used to eat a lot in the recent past. I would like to first be able to control my eating habits, then start eating small meals through out the day.

Any help from all of you would be very very appreciated and I would be grateful. Thank you in advance. I welcome your advice, experience, guides, help and encouragement with an open heart. Losing this weight of mine will help me achieve the character I wish to become. In order for me to be successful because I believe that my low self confidence is what hinders it. I am self conscious and I would love to be more slim and be able to fit into more clothes. I am sure many of you can understand how I feel, specially as a very young adult. (20 here.)

Thank you once again, I wish you good luck with your goals and desires in life.